
世界新闻-在圣诞节期间的圣诞节,环球影业很荣幸地向您展示汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)主演的世界新闻,这是保罗·格林格拉斯(Paul Greengrass)执导和导演的感人故事,并与他的明星首次重聚(2013年最佳影片入围者)菲利普斯船长。 南北战争结束五年后,曾参加过三场战争的夫和退伍军人的杰斐逊·基德·汉德(Hanks)上尉现在作为一名非小说类的讲故事者而从一个镇搬到另一个镇,分享总统和皇后的消息,光荣的仇恨,毁灭性的灾难,以及来自世界各地的冒险之旅。 在得克萨斯州平原上,他与乔安娜(Helena Zengel,System Crasher)穿越道路,后者是10岁的小乔瓦人(Kiowa)于六年前将其收养,并作为自己的儿子长大的。 约翰娜(Johanna)对一个她从未经历过的世界充满敌意,现在她被遣送回她的亲生姨妈和叔叔那里,违背了她的意愿。 Kidd同意按照法律规定将孩子送去。 当他们在无情的荒野中行驶数百英里时,当他们寻找一个可以称之为家园的地方时,两者将面临人类和自然力量的巨大挑战。 《世界新闻报》由格林格拉斯(伯恩电影公司,曼联93)从他与卢克·戴维斯(狮子)的电影剧本中导演,该电影改编自国家图书奖决赛入围者和保莱特·吉尔斯(Paulette Jiles)的畅销小说。 这部电影是由加里·格茨曼(Gary Goetzman)(《妈妈咪呀!》系列,灵狮),盖尔·穆特鲁克斯(Gail Mutrux)(丹麦女孩,唐妮·布拉斯科(Donnie Brasco))和格里高利·古德曼(Gregory Goodman)(7月22日,8英里)制作的。 执行制片人是史蒂文·Shareshian和托尔·施密特。 这部电影的音乐是八次获得奥斯卡金像奖提名的詹姆斯·牛顿·霍华德的作品。 社交渠道:Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:网站:https://www.newsoftheworldfilm。 com /。

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  2. Wow, he's allowed to still work and be around children even though he pulled a Roman Polanski and moved to Greece after allegations came out about him. Fucking Pedowood!

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  4. Looks good, interesting premise (Kaspar Hauser etc), Tom Hanks is in it. NM scenery. Reminds me of "The Postman" a little and "True Grit"–wonder if Fln Zengel is as good as Kim Darby? Anyhow, I hope there is more meditation and pointed dialogue and less Western shoot-em-up than are shown in the trailer. While I like Westerns, killing people seems a sad thing to watch in 2020. And why name it after an English tabloid (yes, I know it's based on a novel with the same name)?

  5. I'm sorry it seems like a heart wrenching story and all but its 2020 and your doing a story on how aboriginal people 'stole' a white girl… Fuck that! How much better would this story be if aboriginal people took in a lost white girl and cared for her, instead of an old white man 'saving her'! This is screwed up! take a good long look at this movie and think about the underlaying messages here… Rapey old man with a prepubescent girl, all while they are culturally insensitive to aboriginal culture!

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