超自然现象| 官方预告片| Netflix公司

愤世嫉俗的血液学教授Refaat Ismail有着黑暗的幽默感,在开始经历超自然活动之后,他的世界被颠倒了,他终身的科学信念受到质疑。 他们与他的大学同事玛吉(Maggie)一起进入超自然世界,并试图从周围的巨大危险中拯救亲人。 这个故事是根据与艾哈迈德·哈立德·陶菲克同名的最畅销的惊悚小说系列改编而成。 订阅:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7关于Netflix:Netflix是全球领先的流媒体娱乐服务,在190多个国家/地区拥有超过1.95亿付费会员,享受各种流派和语言的电视连续剧,纪录片和故事片。 会员可以在任何连接互联网的屏幕上随时随地观看所需的内容。 成员可以播放,暂停和继续观看,而无需广告或承诺。 超自然现象| 官方预告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. Reminds me of my teenage days when I read all of these books .
    I hope it gets the attention it deserves
    الله يرحمك يا خالد احمد توفيق
    جمهور الروايات المصريه للجيب هناا ?‍♀️

  2. I just finished it. I want more. Maybe not of this series but more similar to it. *inserts zuko meme looking through a scroll saying, that’s it?? Where’s the rest of it???*

  3. Watching this series was like riding a roller coaster of mixed emotions , even some scenes gave me goosebumps!! It was amazing!!! Highly recommended, can’t wait for season two❤️❤️!!

  4. The series is more than wonderful and the Arabic language is more than wonderful and easy. For those who will watch this work, it is not a horror Purely category , but it depends more on suspense and has wonderful drama and beautiful romance.
    You will learn about some Egyptian folk myths, civilization, and some myths known to the world, such as the Jathoom
    Enjoy watching my review 9/10

  5. For everyone interested in a second season, you can read the books I am sure you can find it translated to your language and it's a total of 80 short books. And let me just say, the show doesn't give it any justice, the books are 100x better you will be mind blown

  6. I just finished the series , one of the greatest horror and plot twist series i’v ever watched , I would hope Netflix can make season 2 ASAP ??

  7. احسن مسلسل مصري اتعمل لحد دلوقتي بجد انا فخوره جدا و من شده استمتاعي بالمسلسل خلصته كله في قاعده واحده ♥️

  8. Just finished this. Amazing story and great actors. I never watched Egyptian made films or series but this one is a different level. Netflix did it right with this. THIS Egyptian horror series is one of the best! I love Refaat and Maggie's character. Season 2 please ???

  9. لقد حان الوقت لكي يتعرف العالم من هو د. احمد خالد توفيق حتي بعد وفاته ولكن من افنى حياته في سبيل رسالة ما هو مؤمن بها لا بد وان يكافىء حتي بعد وفاته رحمة الله علي المبدع د. احمد خالد توفيق

  10. انا قرأت ما وراء الطبيعة و ده حيكون مسلسل انا حتابعه و اتمنى المسلسل يكون على قد الكتاب

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