Apple Silicon 11月活动预览-已更新!

苹果硅时代! CuriosityStream&Nebula的价格低于$ 15 / y(26%折扣!)第三次是魅力? 灯光熄灭。 音乐暂停。 Apple徽标出现在屏幕上。 蒂姆·库克。 “早上好!” 或者……等等……“你好,欢迎回到苹果公园。” 我的意思是,这就像我们不能再依赖任何东西了。 没有什么。 不是在2020年,这是几年的“跌落测试”。 我们已经举办了9月的活动,不是针对iPhone和Apple Watch,而是针对…Apple Watch和iPad。 还有十月份的活动,不是针对iPad和Mac,而是针对……HomePod mini和iPhone。 对于已经被嘲笑的苹果硅和……,这只剩下了幸运的第三名。 无人机射击。 速度斜坡。 过渡。 稳定凸轮。 然后…Apple TV或AirPods Studio或AirTags,也许是iPad Pro,或者也许……只是一件事。 ?订阅 iPhone 12评论 iPhone 12完整报道 ?list = PL3XJJi5sAjD2LB0JCY51r8prmCerrwaxI iPad Air 4视频苹果硅胶视频支持这些视频的com / reneritchie支持者:Luminous Moose,Daniel Pasco,Jeffrey David Marraccini,Bill Duenges,Chad Valencia,Mark Lussier,Martin Perry,Connor Porter,Christopher Wiggins,Jon Wheeler,约瑟夫,小弗雷德里克·莱克斯,史蒂文佩里,斯科特·格雷厄姆,阿齐兹·拉曼,尼克·弗洛雷斯,罗伯特·辛普利西奥,鲁本·弗洛雷斯,菲利普·布奇,迈克尔·德雷夫斯,萨姆·芬戈尔德,头版技术,斯文·贾斯珀,克莱夫,凯尔·吉格里奥,兰斯·进阶,斯里达·阿亚拉,杜德,罗德·格雷,萨曼莎爱丽丝·拉文(Alice Raven),达米恩·门恩(Damien Menn),马特·马塔索(Matt Matasso),弗兰克·库尔卡(Frank Kurka) 获得对Discord的独家访问权,预览,并有机会在点数中查看您的名字:??APPLE TALK PODCAST苹果: RSS : YouTube: NEBULA订户每周都会收到一个额外的主题:音频: / apple-talk-podcast视频:更多⭐️星云: /网址: d播客:阴: Cast:https: //感谢您的收看,我们下一个视频见! 。

  1. I did say they’d probably name it the “M1” chip. This owing to how they love to differentiate their products and with the Apple Watch they started at S1 when they could just as well have slapped an older A-series chip in there. I believe the T2 chip itself is really a S-chip reworked slightly but be it A, T, S, U etc. They differentiate the chips based on their function. For the longest time iPad and iPhone were both running iOS so it made sense why they would just use essentially the same chip with an “X” or “Z” qualification.

  2. Please miss keep your good work going , i can’t believe that I just received my profit. Thanks to you mrs joelclaytonfx. Connect with her on ig .

  3. I traded with $5000 with the silver plan and I got myself my profits back with mrs joelclaytonfx. This is really lucrative and helping people. Don’t just seat back start a trade now .connect with her on Instagram now .

  4. I invested with $1000 and I gained my profits back as said and expected. I’m very happy about this , I and my family are really happy about this miss Joel Clayton and we will be forever grateful about this that you’ve done for us . Connect with her on Instagram. @joelclaytonfx

  5. I gave listening ears to her words and now I’m probably earning the fruit of my labor. I traded with the least $300 and I earned myself $3000. This is real happening with miss Joel .connect with her on Instagram@joelclaytonfx

  6. MY XMAS WISH: 1080p FaceTime camera, LTE, Face I.D. on new affordable laptops and iMac. Upgraded Apple TV, Upgraded AirPods (not pro), and floating wireless iPhone charger.

  7. I'm really looking forward to an Apple silicon laptop, mainly because it will essentially be an iPad/laptop hybrid…just without the touchscreen. I mean, it COULD have a touchscreen, but I don't want to get my hopes up!

  8. Or maybe reveal that Steve Jobs didn't die and running Apple behind the curtains ..wishful thinking. I like Tim Cook and really miss Steve!

  9. Apple TV remote seems redundant if you can just use your phone or Siri. They should make it optional; you can get one if you really want it like the charging bricks now. More greener!

  10. I just bought a new Macbook Pro.
    Then I heard about silicon.
    Technology is forever changing, but this is a change I didn't want to miss out on.
    So I returned it…am now waiting patiently for the new Pro…who am I kidding…
    Can't wait to see the new Pro!

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