迪士尼和皮克斯的灵魂| 官方预告片2 | 迪士尼+

生活充满了可能性,您只需要知道在哪里看。 观看迪士尼和皮克斯的灵魂的新预告片,今年圣诞节仅在Disney +上播放。 关于灵魂:是什么让你…你呢? 皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)的最新故事片《灵魂》(Soul)仅在迪士尼+这个圣诞节里,介绍了中学乐队老师乔·加德纳(Jamie Foxx的声音),他有生以来的机会在城里最好的爵士俱乐部里演奏。 但是,一小步的错误就把他从纽约市的街道带到了大以前-一个梦幻般的地方,在那里,新灵魂进入地球之前已经有了他们的个性,怪癖和兴趣。 决心重生,乔与一个早熟的22岁灵魂(蒂娜·费伊的声音)合作,他从不了解人类经验的吸引力。 当乔拼命尝试向人们展示22对生活有什么好处时,他可能会发现生活中一些最重要问题的答案。 由奥斯卡奖获奖者皮特·多克特(Pete Docter)执导,由肯普·鲍尔斯(Kemp Powers)联合执导(《迈阿密的一个夜晚》),由奥斯卡奖提名人达娜·默里(Dana Murray)制作(皮克斯(Pixar)简称“卢”) ,迪士尼和皮克斯的“灵魂”仅在12月25日开始在Disney +上播放。Facebook:http://facebook.com/pixarsoul/ Twitter:http://twitter.com/pixarsoul Instagram:http://instagram.com/pixarsoul /标签:#PixarSoul。

  1. i think this would have been an amazing movie if they'd taken the weird fantasy beforelife element out of it. I'm sure this film is still going to be good, but I would have really enjoyed a slower, more character-driven story simply about a man following his dreams. I will still watch this movie and probably enjoy it, but I don't think a movie needs a fantasy/sci-fi element to be interesting.

  2. why does media always romanticize the arts? why can't they make it a movie about someone loving math or science?

    And I hate what passes as comedy now – the pizza passing through and out the behind, the obnoxious slapping of the character.

  3. Pixar in 2020 animation looks so realistic, but humans body needs to stay the same and change a bit realistic because it's animation.

  4. Hey PIXAR fans out there, you guys should make a fan-made Toy Story CGI-animated series call: Toy Story Adventures that takes place between the events of Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3 and the quality of Toy Story Adventures needs to be absolutely incredible to look at than your average low-budgeted fan projects these days, it'll genuinely make you feel like you're actually watching a official Toy Story CGI-animated series made by Disney and PIXAR Animation Studios themselves!

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