Magnus成功捍卫GFW全球冠军| 影响最后一句话

Magnus讨论了击败Matt Morgan并保护他的“金票”和他的生命。 马格努斯仍然是精明的人,也是摔跤界的老将。 查看更多操作:订阅:商店: IMPACT WRESTLING现在在周四的流行音乐时间为8 / 7c。 不要错过它! 要找出可以观看的地方,请访问www.poptv.com上的频道查找器。

  1. So why did Jeff Jarrett make a new Company, when he closed it after 3 Years? Are nearly all that were in TNA to stupid, to build a Company right?

  2. This is how much of a farce GFW is. They need to do a talent exchange with Impact, who has lost a large majority of its TV audience over the past few years in order to have some form of relivency.

  3. why is magnus using the GFW title as an excuse to get to the impact world title, dude your already a champion albeit the title doesn't really mean dick in impact wrestling but whatever lol.

  4. In all of honesty, The GFW title has no prestige at all compared to the TNA/Impact World Title. And for those that get triggered quickly for my statement, get a grip band stop being such cry babies just because I have a different opinion.

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