
随着马可·因纳罗斯(Marco Inaros)一生遭受压迫和不公正对待,马纳·伊纳罗斯(Marco Inaros)向世界大战(Inners)发起了世界末日大战,传送带的未来开始了。 »现在,以您的主要会员身份独家观看The Expanse的新季节:http://bit.ly/TheExpanseAPV»订阅:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideo订阅有关Expanse的信息:富翁转变为政治的激进主义者朱莉·毛将谷神星侦探乔·米勒(托马斯·简),偶然的船长詹姆斯·霍尔登(史蒂文·海峡)和联合国政治家克里斯琴·阿瓦萨拉拉(Shohreh Aghdashloo)的生活联系起来。 在地球,火星与地带之间的政治紧张之中,他们揭开了有史以来最大的阴谋。 关于浩瀚的季节2:在这部设于未来两百年的黑色惊悚片中,一名失踪的年轻女士的案件带领一名被洗劫的侦探横穿太阳系,以揭露人类历史上最大的阴谋。 关于浩瀚的季节3:随着Rocinante船员深入研究寻找Prax失踪的女儿,地球与火星之间的战争以太阳系从未见过的方式变成致命的战争。 但是,在“地带”外围地区的新威胁可能会变得更加危险,威胁要考验人类的未来。 关于The Expanse第4季:The Expanse的第4季,首次作为全球亚马逊原创作品,与Rocinante的工作人员一起开始本系列的新篇章,其任务是联合国的任务是探索环门之外的新世界。 人类获得了成千上万个类似地球的行星的访问权,这造成了土地争夺,加剧了地球,火星和地带对立国家之间的紧张关系。 Ilus是这些行星中的第一个,拥有丰富的自然资源,但也以长期死亡的外星文明的废墟为标志。 尽管地球人,火星人和贝尔特斯操纵着殖民伊卢斯及其自然资源的计划,但这些早期的探险家并不了解这个新世界,也没有意识到等待着他们的更大危险。 关于浩瀚的季节5:在太阳系的不同部分,Rocinante及其同盟的船员面临着过去的罪恶,而Marco Inaros发起了一场袭击,这将改变地球,火星,地带和地球的未来。环以外的世界。 关于Prime Video:想立即观看吗? 知道了可以立即播放本周的最新电影,昨晚的电视节目,经典的收藏夹以及更多内容,此外,所有视频都存储在视频库中。 超过150,000部电影和电视剧集,包括数千个Amazon Prime会员,无额外费用。 获取更多主要视频:立即流式传输:http://bit.ly/WatchMorePrimeVideo Facebook:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoFB Twitter:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoTW Instagram:http://bit.ly/AmazonPrimeVideoIG Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/PrimeVideo。

  1. Why the hell are the Beltran so damned obsessed with everyone knowing who they are? It's become almost become a trope:

    Why did the Beltran cross the road?

    To tell the Inners…WHO WE ARE!

  2. Season 5 starts showing next month and folks that have followed the books know it will totally boost the show to a whole new level. The publisher and authors have confirmed Book 9, the final in the series, will also be out next year. I'm giving my brother (who loves science fiction but has not seen this show) a Prime Membership as a Christmas gift. We need more folks to watch this show – it could easily go on for 5-6 more seasons and the story up to Book 8 has been incredible!

  3. so Im going back thru season 2 today and I forgot how stunningly beautiful and emotional the scene with Miller and Julie/Molecule in the BLue Falcon is.. made me cry again… even though I know what is going to happen. I think far too many of us forget the brilliance of the soundtrack/musical apllication in this show

  4. I think the only TV production Ive seen in years that affects me the way THE EXPANSE does, is the miniseries of "Childhood's End". HOLY SHIP that was amazeballs.

  5. OMG!! I'm so STOKED about this new season!! What a fabulous series this has been, I'm gonna be sad when it ends 🙁 Thank goodness for downloads! 😀

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