如何翻墙/访问/查看被封锁的网站/影片?[App Review]如何访问被阻止的网站/视频?-Opera Free VPN[手機App推薦]03

今天我将为您推荐一个手机翻墙、突破网络封锁的实用App. Today I would like to recommend a mobile phone app to let you able to view blocked website. (or how to unblock a blocked website) —- ———————————- 00:22 大家有没有试过这样的情况?就是,有些网站,或是影片视频,因为您国家的关系,他不公开给您看。这是个不公平的事情。不过没有关系!接下来的视频将会为您决解这样的事情! 00:37 大家好!欢迎来到SernHao Tv。我是Sern Hao.今天将要为您决解刚才的烦恼!看不到自己想要看的影片,是一件很烦恼的事情。想要进一个自己想要进的网页,又进不到,是个让人很不爽的,大件事! 00:54 我是使用安卓版本的三星galaxy s4。如果您的版本是IPhone(IOS), 或是其他的话呢,您还是可以找到类似的应用程式(app)。首先,您先打开您的google play,在google play哪里点击search:opera free vpn. 01:07 这一个Opera Free VPN,就是由Opera(公司)自己研发出来的。他的功用其实就是更改您的ip address,去其他的国家。 01:32 现在我们到开来看。在第一个界面的时候,它就会跟您说:这个VPN其实就是unblock website for free (免费解除封锁网站)。它能是帮你switch(转换)去另一个region(地区)。这个Opera free VPN,其实他会保护您的wifi、hostspot。他可以break(阻止)一些tracker (网路跟踪器),就像一些网页和app会追踪您的location(地点)。这个它可以帮你block掉。 02:12 这边我们先看它有(提供)几个国家可以选择。首先,我们先按“change region”。它这边有5个国家。加拿大、德国、荷兰、新加坡、美国02:39 然后它有说它会为我们block掉那些tracker。我们先拉下来。它说我们的Guardian(监护人) 是inactive(待用)。然后我们按active,他就会帮我们block掉这些tracker。 02:53 按中间这个呢,它说您的wifi是被保护着的。我们可以test这个wifi security来看一下。这边,它就写:如果您没有这Opera VPN 的话呢,您有些东西(资料)会被explore(搜索到)。要是您有这个Opera Free VPN 的话呢,您的很多东​​西(资料)会被保护着。 03:25 当你不想再用这个VPN的时候呢,就把它拉下来。然后点击这个vpn (Opera Free VPN),就按disconnect(断开)。它就会disconnect了。然后我们在load(这个网页)多一次。然后我们点击play。它就会呈现您不可以看。 03:38 以上就是我想为您分享的实用app。如果您还没有订阅SernHao Tv的话呢,请记得马上订阅SernHao Tv。因为我将会陆陆续续的介绍各种不同的而且又实用的app。希望您会喜欢我的影片!这边有我为您推荐的两个视频,如果您喜欢的话,可以点击来看哦。 see you! Bye! 再见! 03:55 记得订阅SernHao Tv〜!您可以每周观看新视频。 ————————————– 00:22 Do you have this kind of experience before? That is, some sites, video or film, because of your country, it does not openly show you. This is not a fair thing. But, it is ok now! In this video, I will share for you about how to solve such a thing! 00:37 Hello everyone! Welcome to SernHao Tv. I Sern Hao. Today I will be here to help you solve the troubles! Do not able to watch the video we want to watch, it is a very troubling thing. When want go to a web page we want to enter, but fail. It is very unhappy, big deal! 00:51 So, today I’m going to help to solve this problem. 00:54 I am using the Android version and Samsung galaxy s4. If your version is IPhone (IOS), or other of it, you can also find similar application (app). 01:07 The Opera Free VPN, which is developed by the Opera (companies). It is use to switch your current ip address location, to other countries. 01:32 Now we start to look at it. When the first screen, and it will tell you :The VPN is actually unblock website for free. He can access (link to) your favorite website and app, anywhere. getting start (let’s begin …) It will be some explanation. Then, his utility is to help you switch to another region. The Opera free VPN, in fact, he will protect your wifi or hostspot. He could break (prevent) some of the tracker (web tracker), Like some pages and the app keeps track of your location. This can help you block it out. Because of this, it need permission, So we need to click the permission, let him perform. 02:12 Here we look at it can provided in several countries to select with. First, we press the “change region” . It is here five countries. Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, United States. 02:39 Then it said it would help us to block those tracker. Let’s scroll it down. It is said that our Guardian is inactive now. Then we press active, He will help us block out these tracker. 02:53 Press the middle tab, it says your wifi is protected. We can tes t this wifi security. Here, it is written: If you do not do this, then Opera VPN, Your Something (data) will be explore (to others). If you have the Opera Free VPN, many of your stuff (data) will be protected. 03:25 When you do not want to use it (Opera Free VPN), pull it down. Then click on the vpn (Opera Free VPN), Click “disconnect”. It will disconnect then. 03:38 That is all I want to share the useful mobile app for you. If you do not subscribe to SernHao Tv yet, Remember to Subscribe SernHao Tv now! It is because I will continue to introduce a lot of useful app. Hope you enjoy my video! Here, I recommend 2 videos for you, If you like it, you can click on to watch. see you then! Bye ~! 03:55 Remember to subscribe SernHao Tv ~! Hence you can watch new video weekly. —- ————————————————– ————————————— Reference /参考1)国人如何使用免费vpn翻墙教程(中文版)- free vpn usa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9k5qeqcWG8 2) 如何不用翻墙软件来翻墙- 陈雄https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=xekVK8gZtEw 3) How To Access Blocked Websites at School/College/Work 2017? – TechClicko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAQsjtoocb4 4) How to access blocked sites with Zenmate in Chrome with easy – HowtoCreator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EkplLsEwS8 .

  1. 想问你 为什么我使用后整个wifi都被影响 如果速度慢其他电脑上网速度也跟着变慢,关掉后才能够再继续上网

  2. 中文不标准.发音不准.没有声调。听你说话很累,你可以全中文讲解吗。总是中文英文来回讲解,很混乱。两种语言各一半拿出来讲的,你真是奇人!踩

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