
顶级恐怖电影2020和2021完整预告片| 订阅➤http://abo.yt/ki | 更多https://KinoCheck.com此汇编中包括鹿角,安静的地方2,前往釜山2的火车,半岛,锯:螺旋形,前肢,X战警:新突变者,幻想岛,窗外的女人,逃脱,怨恨,窗户上的女人,勃拉姆斯:男孩2,Mor房馆,手工艺:遗产,可悲的,深蓝色的大海3和海滨别墅。 注意事项感谢所有参与的出版商| 版权所有。 | #KinoCheck®。

  1. wow horror movie genre is really died… 2017-2019 there were no good horror story line , however there were jump scares… 2020-2021's horror and jump scares makes even an infant wanna LMFAO with what type of bullshit they have seen… I hereby can tell that ONE of the best and easiest genre to hit the box office is slowly being taken granted and slowly dying because of the rich producers and directors whose main motive isn't even trying to entertain the audience but just to make their loved once popular by putting them in a lead role or so…

  2. all the same bland re-hashed, re-made, re-cycled tropes, all designed to make you all numb and blind and distracted, while REALITY around you becomes a shit show of socialist totalitarianism. Individual FREEDOM will be Science Fiction soon. Netflix and shill.

  3. Us, Get Out, and now Antebellum. Why can't the rest of the movie genres hop on board with this mind set? Instead of re-hashing existing things to put black folks in, they are CREATING amazing movies build around the idea of who they want the cast to be. I can't wait to see what else they come up with!

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