
#WelcomeToTheBlumhouse #TheLieMovie The Lie由Veena Sud撰写和导演,主演Mireille Enos(《杀戮》),Peter Sarsgaard(教育)和Joey King(《 The Kissing Booth 2》,该法案)。 当他们十几岁的女儿承认要冲动杀死她最好的朋友时,两个绝望的父母试图掩盖这一可怕的罪行,使他们陷入复杂的谎言和欺骗网络。 由Alix Madigan-Yorkin,Christopher Tricarico和Jason Blum制作。 由霍华德·格林,金·霍奇特,珍妮特·沃尔图诺,库珀·萨缪尔森和亚伦·巴内特制作。 关于Prime Video:想立即观看吗? 知道了可以立即播放本周的最新电影,昨晚的电视节目,经典的收藏夹以及更多内容,此外,所有视频都存储在视频库中。 超过150,000部电影和电视剧集,包括数千个Amazon Prime会员,无额外费用。 获取更多主要视频:立即流式传输:http://bit.ly/WatchMorePrimeVideo Facebook:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoFB Twitter:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoTW Instagram:http://bit.ly/AmazonPrimeVideoIG 。

  1. what an awful movie. all 4 are elitist rotters including the friend. are so many people this narcissistic, who are cruel sociopaths w/no conscience & waa waa because mummy & daddy werent fighting anymore, i lied & lied & lied again?! i could puke. it wasnt enjoyable to watch & left me with a bad feeling. at least it was free.

  2. Kayla: I'm a terrible Person
    Bekka: No you not baby..
    Me:YES YOU ARE B*tch , you so are and so are your Parents

    Enjoyed this bt ending needee some closure..for the twist.

  3. If you want to waste your time watch this stupidness. Well I’m not gonna let you take the chance if you read this comment The daughter is not dead . Kayla lied so Britney could see her boyfriend and her parents thought they was going to jail for trying to cover up for Britneys murder for the daughterwhere she’s not actually dead so they try and frame Britney’s dad and end up killing him for Kayla to say no she lied about killing Britney and she’s alive

  4. OMG this has got to be the worst film I have ever seen…from the terrible acting to the ridiculous plot i mean how the f**k can they churn this garbage out??

  5. Jeezus no one gonna talk about how they did the stereotypical 'abusive muslim brown dad' and 'oppressed muslim girl who wants to run away with a white boy' like seriously is this rlly 2020?

  6. I thought it was a good plot twist, but they showed her on the floor in the snow so if it was all a joke why they show that very confused by that

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