革命| 官方预告片| 网飞

在重塑法国大革命的历史中,断头台的未来发明者发现了一种疾病,该疾病驱使贵族杀害平民。 订阅:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7关于Netflix:Netflix是全球领先的流媒体娱乐服务,在190多个国家/地区拥有1.93亿付费会员,享受各种类型和语言的电视连续剧,纪录片和故事片。 会员可以在任何连接互联网的屏幕上随时随地观看所需的内容。 成员可以播放,暂停和继续观看,而无需广告或承诺。 LaRévolution| 官方预告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. The rich are evil. Ordinary man is oppressed and its the riches to blame..
    So chopping heads is poetic justice. Right?…
    It wasnt about liberty and freedom from tyranny. Everyone who had the chance just wanted power.
    The american revolution… Why not do that one… Doesnt fit your narrative?..

  2. This is a fantastic show. Absolutely love it. Please make sure to bring another season out.. Dont care its a different language.

  3. The gangrene scenes had me physically cringe. It looks like one of the most painful, outright horrible ways to die. Never heard of this show and I found it while scrolling through but I had a good time watching it. By the time Joseph was introduced I was genuinely invested and fully intended to finish it. The high class French architecture was gorgeous and it really helps display the sheer amount of power and wealth France held at the time. Britain was fearful of them, that says a lot. Please check this one out, it's not a bad original. The French VA is good and the subtitles are almost fully accurate (language barriers are always a pain). It's an alternate history take, so take pleasure from the imaginations of the producers & writers, and their messages. Be open minded and remember to simply relax while watching. Absorb every detail and don't let your bias control & prevent you from actually watching the show. 7.5/10 starting from 5/10 as fully neutral

  4. مفيش ولا حد عربى شاف المسلسل ? عموما لو فى حد ناطق او قارئ للعربيه فانا شوفت اول ٤ حلقات والمسلسل عظيم لاء مش عظيم بس هو عظيم جدا واتمنى يكمل على كدا لانه تخطى مرحله العظمه كادرات عبقريه وسينماتوجرافى حلوه والاهم والاروع المزيكا ترتقى لانها تبقى حاجه كدا شبه جيم اوف ثرونز . لو قريت التعليق ادينى لايك عشان افتكر

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