Steam对RuneScape 3的影响

在此视频中,无论短期还是长期,我都将探讨Steam对RuneScape 3的影响。 我还给出了一些建议,可以做一些事情,使新玩家继续玩RuneScape 3,并继续享受游戏的乐趣。 Steam直接影响了RuneScape 3的玩家基础,并吸引了许多新玩家加入游戏,这真是太好了,希望Jagex引入一些更新或实施我的一些建议,这些可能会帮助新玩家更加享受游戏! 我的Discord服务器: Twitch: Twitter: Reddit: / TheRealSi …朋友聊天:SilencedYT。

  1. i just started rs3 i usually play osrs but im actually really liking rs3 the graphics are amazing and if i dont want eoc i dont have to have it with legacy mode

  2. Would've expected there to be a massive lag influx in Runescape after Steam release, but it seems their servers are stronger plus with 5 minute auto log out.

  3. Not bad number but there is a lot of bots there and I don't like only about 20k real players and normal or good players count… Rip this game I never for people who value life and balance that's extremely important…

  4. I'm always asking myself why the clan-castle isn't F2P. Because it's a great boost for everyone, and clans have a higher chance to be able to upgrade the castle…

  5. when steam launched I went to Burthorpe non membs world with clannies and we gave gp to lots of people to keep them going/incentivise to stay, let them get some cool stuff early on to keep motivation. Was good fun

  6. They need to increase the stats experience from 200m to 400m so the playercount will go up significantly. Kinda like WoW when they release new content. Or new levels with reward items at each level. Past 120.

  7. I stopped playing a long time ago, recently got attracted again because of my recommended box filling with trailblazers. I like the convenience of rs3 (used to play it a long time rs3 as well as rs2) but now with all the new skills it kinda is far removed from my "nostalgia". nevertheless I hope both osrs and rs3 get combined again into a rs2 version with the convenience and best parts hahahahahahaha. Can you play endgame without the skills that came after divination?

  8. I got back in, put 76 hours in so far
    Bought the Max pack on steam as well
    Working on doing all quests and skilling on the side while I do Uni work, stocking up on mats for DXP

  9. I would love to see f2p have access to dragon armor and weapons. It's a good looking set and would greatly boost the value of it as well as keep interest while ine f2p including the rest of t60 for magic and range as well.

  10. 20% increase for now is great but it will peak I just hope they stay on steam this time. They did this before in 2014. Honestly it seems like everything’s price is going up so Idk what’s up.

  11. What I don't understand is why people are giving it positive reviews.. It's literally trash. I think Jagex is botting the reviews.

  12. If they would put rs on console you'd see player counts towards a million. If runescape doesn't get on console, its eventually going to die. Just my opinion.

  13. Just returned as well. Made an ironman account to learn the game from scratch again, as I'm really lost in the game on my former main (cb lvl 128). Having a ton of fun just relearning the game, feels very close to when I played the game for the first time again, learning everything. I played a bunch of osrs, but I'm liking rs3 so far. Ignoring all the MTX is also easier in ironman!

    BTW, right now a lot of beginners guide are a little difficult to find or are out of date. Is there any interest in creating beginner f2p tips and tricks?

  14. The fresh new player experience is something Jagex seems to have a lot of trouble figuring out. The tutorial is decent, albiet too long. I think they should offer different paths to explore more deeply into the game (i.e. Questing, Combat + Slayer, Gathering + Skilling) that can provide at least some guidance to explore the game after the tutorial.

    I'm fairly certain KBD and Mole are already available on F2P?


    the game has changed WAY TOO MUCH

    but dude i can still MINE my hearth out and smith the hell out of it

    has been 13 yrs LoL i even got my cape! omg i read about jagex being a d@ck about the cape being not to free and was later releasead to bee free xD

    i would so much buy a membership now after YRS but frist i whant to learn alot since there is a looooooooooooooooooot of stuff xD

    i will stop playing a lot of game warframe wtlo and a lot more were i have payed dollars for stuff just for runescape

    one time i being ready i will buy my membership and explore the world i was not able explore years ago

    and all of that cause of steam xD

  16. having 1 time f2p bond thats 4-6m only once u come mem bond goes back to its normal price and it doesnt remove 25k trade limit either if the mems expires/or renew so newer people have change to play in men words

  17. I played like 12-15 years ago and just picked it back up on steam this month. Though much has changed, much still remains the same and i say that with the utmost affection. I didnt realize just how much i missed this game.

  18. It's crazy to see all these new players! I've been here since 2006.. and man this game has been hidden due to lack of advertising and only downloadable on its website! Im so glad runescape has had such a strong loyal playerbase to keep it alive for as long as it has been.. now that it's out on steam (hopefully osrs comes too) it allows so many new people who have been looking for a great mmorpg to finally come on in.

  19. i’ve been playing old school since it came out, today i just started playing rs3 to play while afking 99 slayer on osrs and actually really enjoying it but definitely feeling lost with all this new content ?

  20. I’m happy because I was recommended this game so much but was to lazy to go through some web site or something and just be able to get it through steam

  21. Personally it's too soon to see much of an impact for anything longterm as most people may not play after a month or so as it is quite a 'grindy' game

  22. I think they need to up the f2p levels for members skills. For example making it level 20 or maybe even 25 so people can get into the skills more and explore more useful items. I also think a new tutorial, which explains some of the lore of the game, when it comes to quests and other things. I do thing f2p players should be able to do more in the game, such as clue scrolls, maybe up to mediums or so, but obviously only gives f2p possible locations and such. Older content being f2p is a great idea. Like older bosses and such will be great for the community in general and give the higher level f2p players something to grind for.

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