Xbox Series X发布会| PlayStation Girl

#Xbox #XSX #Microsoft在我们的社交网站上关注我们: Xbox Series X终于来了! 玩什么游戏:刺客信条:瓦尔哈拉,看门狗:军团和俄罗斯方块? 对于微软来说,这是一个发布日,游行中会下雨,而PlayStation 5则只有几天的路程。 主演:安吉·西姆斯(Angie Simms)-IG和Twitter上的@angiesimms马修·格隆丁(Matthew Grondin)-IG特恩(Tehya)Johns of VENN-@mattygron-IG Taylor Meskimen上的@TehyaPlay-IG达万·菲林(@Dmex)上的@tmex-@鲁less的宇宙的@blavan喜剧视频… ,心理女朋友,坏朋友等等。 跟随我们的其他频道《鲁Tor的Tortuga》观看在线玩家视频。 。

  1. “… because Master Chief won’t want to fucks with you without 8K.” Daaaamn, at least bring some potatoes and carrots if you gonna roast him that hard.

  2. PS5 chick crashing the party reminds me of a former flame that crashed a college party I threw with a gf I had at the time. I'm buzzing, party started as a snooze fest, then ended in a bang when the right people showed up. PS2 was all the craze back then.

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