
观看乌托邦的官方预告片将于9月25日发布。 当难以捉摸的喜剧《乌托邦》中的阴谋真实存在时,一群年轻的粉丝齐聚一堂,展开一场高风险的扭曲冒险,利用他们发现的东西来拯救自己,彼此,并最终拯救人类。 主演John Cusack,Rainn Wilson和Sasha Lane。 关于Prime Video:想立即观看吗? 知道了可以立即播放本周的最新电影,昨晚的电视节目,经典的收藏夹以及更多内容,此外,所有视频都存储在视频库中。 超过15万部电影和电视剧集,包括数千个Amazon Prime会员,无需额外付费。 获取更多主要视频:立即播出:http://bit.ly/WatchMorePrimeVideo Facebook:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoFB Twitter:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoTW Instagram:http://bit.ly/AmazonPrimeVideoIG乌托邦–官方预告片https://youtu.be/dFSKBllxRIw Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/PrimeVideo。

  1. ……….. yo i didnt even know about the orginal, but am i the only one who thinks this show was freaking awesome. I mean even it was a remake i mean come on this show was goddamn brilliant

  2. Amazon are really doing such a service to young writers and directors, showing how not to produce a remake or let alone show.

  3. This is actually a really good show, don't listen to the bad reviews. A lot of people are just really triggered at how it was released in 2020 and it has to do with viruses. Sure, this is a really bad time to release a show about viruses, but that doesn't make it bad. I enjoyed it a lot.

    I've never seen the original British show, and I'm sure it's amazing, but this show is definitely worth watching. It's got a certain charm to it, and had me hooked!

  4. Was it their intention to ruin the material, or did they actually think they were doing a good job? Do yourself a favor and watch the original….more predictive programming than you can shake a stick at. Explained the whole covid hoax in 2013, plus much more.

  5. This vaccine will make a large amount of the population infertile, the only way of depopulating the earth without mass genecide! Think I’m mad if you want but that’s what’s gonna happen, can’t fit many more people on this earth, there’s a reason they stopped making the original utopia

  6. super series.first i think ot is just a dump….but after watching this..i really waiting for secound season…plz make the sec season fast…i recommend to my all friend…once again Amazon realise another good series…

  7. Don’t watch this, this is completely awful Jessica Hyde literally kills off Samantha for a dumb reason. I don’t think the amazon prime is canon tbh..

  8. Ask Stephen King what he thinks about ‘Utopia’.Stop comparing it to the original. If you can’t deal with Sasha Lane, go have your tea and crumpets and sit down somewhere.

  9. So everybody calls Dwight Michael. He's tasked with saving the world from a deadly virus predicted in a comic book series?? Seems more like Dwights wet dream than an actual TV show.

  10. Just started watching the original UK version based on all the comments and it’s insanely good but also terrifying and intense. I’m hooked after 2 episodes

  11. Its a good show I like it. It's echos the sentiment that the government deliberately released virus and conspires to cover it up. It goes into all.kindz of twists and turns. ???

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