《男孩们》第2季-官方预告片| 亚马逊Prime视频

准备好进行另一轮将Supes推倒的活动! #TheBoys Season 2即将来临,队友……您准备好了吗? »现在,以您的主要会员身份独家观看The Boys:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoTheBoys»订阅:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideo像名人一样受欢迎,像政客一样有影响力,以及像神一样受人尊敬,他们滥用了他们的超级大国,而不是善用它们。 当The Boys展开英勇的探索,以揭露有关“七个”的真相及其强大的Vought支持时,它对超级强者无能为力。 关于第2季:在THE BOYS的第2季更加激烈,更加绝望的情况下,Butcher,Hughie和团队摆脱了第1季的损失。在逃避法律的过程中,他们努力与超级英雄进行反击。 作为沃特(Vought),负责管理英雄的公司,对超级恶棍的威胁感到恐慌,以及新英雄风暴前线(Stormfront)震撼了公司,并挑战了本来就不稳定的国人。 关于Prime Video:想立即观看吗? 知道了可以立即播放本周的最新电影,昨晚的电视节目,经典的收藏夹以及更多内容,此外,所有视频都存储在视频库中。 超过15万部电影和电视剧集,包括数千个Amazon Prime会员,无需额外付费。 获取更多主要视频:立即播出:http://bit.ly/WatchMorePrimeVideo Facebook:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoFB Twitter:http://bit.ly/PrimeVideoTW Instagram:http://bit.ly/AmazonPrimeVideoIG 《男孩们》第2季-官方预告片| Amazon Prime Video https://youtu.be/MN8fFM1ZdWo Prime Video https://www.youtube.com/PrimeVideo。

  1. I really hate the trailers that show all the cool scenes and funny moments in the series. I'm glad I didn't watch this before seeing season 2. You should put a spoiler alert on this.

  2. Similarities between "the boys" and "Breaking bad"
    1. Butcher is a character like walter white who has a very big goal and does all the dirty and badass work.
    2. Walt did not want his partner Jesse to quit what they were doing and neither does butcher.
    3.Hughie,a guy whose life completely changed after all this drama and he had no clue what or why is everything so fked up. A very similar thing happened to Jesse Pinkman.
    4.Two loyal friends Mm & frenchie who never give up on their friends, just like skinny pete & badger.
    5.They literally put Giancarlo Esposito(Gus Fring) in a smart antagonist role just like in Breaking bad.
    6.They also put the actor who played Gretchen on BrBa as a side charecter whose role directly influences the character development of one of the lead characters in The boys(Deep)

    What's your opinion guys?

  3. If you haven't started watching this you need to, it's the craziest most nuts satire of super heroes ever, it's totally nuts and R rated. Great story and the lead super hero is insane he is terrifying.

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