破碎的心灵画廊-Official Trailer(HD)-9月11日上映

从执行制片人赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)和作家/导演纳塔莉·克林斯基(Natalie Krinsky)那里,观看关于浪漫爱情喜剧的新预告片,《破碎的心》画廊only,仅在9月11日在影院上映。请订阅Sony Pictures获得独家内容:http:// bit。 ly / SonyPicsSubscribe在社交网站上关注破碎的心画廊:https://www.facebook.com/brokenheartsgallery https://twitter.com/BrokenHeartsGal https://www.instagram.com/brokenheartsgallery如果您从每个地方都保存了一份纪念品该怎么办你曾经有过的恋爱关系? 破碎的心脏画廊紧跟着永远独特的露西(Geraldine Viswanathan),他是一个二十多岁的画廊助理,住在纽约,他也是一个ho积的情感收藏者。 当露西被她的最新男友抛弃后,她受到启发创建了《破碎的心》画廊,这是一个弹出空间,存放爱留下的物品。 画廊的消息传开,为所有浪漫主义者(包括露西本人)带来了动静和新的起点。 演员:杰拉尔丁·维斯瓦纳森·达克里·蒙哥马利·乌特卡什·安布德卡·莫莉·戈登·菲利普·苏·苏基·沃特豪斯·阿图罗·卡斯特罗·伊格·恩乌迪姆·泰勒·希尔和伯纳黛特·彼得斯#破碎的心泰勒·希尔(TaylorHill)#贝纳黛特·彼得斯(BernadettePeters)。

  1. Thanks for posting! If you have a minute, I posted a cover of Billie Eilish. As a fellow music lover, I'd love if you would check it out. It's on my page. Hope you enjoy!

  2. Speaking of mementos from an ex, I got these in 2016/2017:
    1. An unused company (where he worked) umbrella
    2. A 4gb usb stick (not using it)
    3. A 4 port usb hub (which is still connected to my tv and working)
    Btw, I heard he died last year.

  3. Guys don't get me wrong, I have just finished watching this movie. The movie and the concept is good, but geraldine viswanathan's acting is sooo bad. She ruined the whole movie. As an audience, I was disappointed by her acting. Her character in this movie is the main sole and the reason which makes the story go on. I'm not watching this one again or recommending this movie to anyone.

  4. i’m sorry but i just watched the movie and in my opinion they had no connection or chemistry between them , it looked like they were just acting

  5. I don't know why people like this movie and trailer. Just because their favourite actor or actress is in the movie.

    But personally i only care about plot or story and don't care about who the actor or actress is in movie
    I don't like this trailer. No good quality story

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