Xbox Series X拆解-可修复性观点

Xbox Series X拆解-可修复性角度-正确! 我将拆解新的Xbox Series X,以了解拆解有多容易,与Xbox One X的比较,以及进行维修的难度。 在此处获取商品:►我使用的工具和零件(付费链接):►TronicsFix游戏机维修论坛:https:/ /喜欢音乐吗? 我使用流行病声音(收费链接):订阅: ———– ————————————————– ———————————————- Instagram https:/ / Facebook Twitter网站– ————————————————– ————————————————–我使用的工具:-Protech工具包:Amazon(付费链接) -Torx Security T8:Amazon(付费链接) -PH00 Phillips:Amazon(付费链接)镊子套:亚马逊(付费链接)电动螺丝刀:亚马逊(付费链接)导热膏:亚马逊(付费链接)罐头航空:亚马逊(付费链接)使用的设备:-Hakko Hot A ir站:亚马逊(收费链接)热风站的喷嘴:亚马逊(收费链接)哈科焊台:亚马逊(收费链接)https: // -Hakko空气滤清器:亚马逊(付费链接)显微镜:亚马逊(付费链接)凯斯特(Kester)焊接:亚马逊(付费链接)→业务咨询电子邮件:[email protected] TronicsFix对因视频中包含的任何信息而造成的财产损失或伤害不承担任何责任。 Youtube频道内提供的所有资料仅用于提供信息,教育和娱乐目的。 其中某些项目,材料和技术可能并不适合所有年龄段或技能水平的人。 该视频中包含的任何信息均不构成任何明示或暗示的担保或任何特定结果的保证。 TronicsFix对本频道所列项目,技术或资源的安全性不做任何主张,并且对您对本频道提供的信息所做的一切不承担任何责任。 因不当使用这些工具,设备或此视频中包含的信息而导致的任何伤害,损害或损失,由用户而非TronicsFix承担全部责任。 除非您对结果(无论好坏)承担个人责任,否则请勿尝试使用此视频中包含的任何内容。 (*我们是亚马逊服务有限责任公司联合计划的参与者,该计划是一项联属广告计划,旨在通过链接到Amazon.com和联属网站为我们提供一种赚取费用的方式。)实质性联系的披露:上面的帖子是“会员链接”。 这意味着,如果您单击链接并购买商品,我将收到会员佣金。 无论如何,我只推荐个人使用的产品或服务,并相信会为我的读者增加价值。 我是根据联邦贸易委员会的16 CFR第255部分:“有关在广告中使用背书和证明书的指南”披露此信息的。 该视频中使用的音乐不需要署名。 。

  1. Out of the box , Xbox série x has a ton of false signal problem because of cable management , but unlike ps5 , user can easily airgap from metal via spray liquid tape, plastic screw or and double sided tape!

  2. When you removed first cover I saw that , user will need to spray liquid tape on metal where ribbon cable is I saw two ribbon cable there! Then apply double sided tape on ribbon cable to keep it away from the metal ! Easier to fix then ps5 so far

  3. Is the series x supposed to be plugged straight into wall socket or a surge protector I have mine in the wall socket is that ok also my ps5fat is in the wall socket

  4. I dont own xbox series x/s… i dont intend on buying one…… and…. i dont even want to fix one even if i came across it…. but i still watched the full video…instead of going to sleep….. I dont know why…..

  5. He doesn't see any difference in the disk drive but I do and that may be due to color blindness but there is a major difference in color and I'm not sure if it's the material used or not. I'm new to the tech scene so I'm not sure why the one on the right looks much darker and like the material used is higher end and more durable. Or it could just be that the newer series has more contrast so that it's easier to see when you are repairing the console.

  6. I found the ssd and it's a pretty standard nvme unit rated for 1950 MB/s sequential read, although it is available only to manufacturers/OEMs and not officially available to consumers. I found this exact module on MAUSER and they ask for 350+ euros to buy one

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