眼镜蛇Kai | 第3季日期公告预告片| 网飞

正如Kreese所说:“故事才刚刚开始。” Cobra Kai的第3季将于2021年1月8日首映,仅在Netflix上。 由于第4季正在接受正式训练以加入战斗,因此请加紧准备。 眼镜蛇Kai永不消亡。 订阅:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7关于Netflix:Netflix是全球领先的流媒体娱乐服务,在190多个国家/地区拥有1.93亿付费会员,可享受各种流派和语言的电视连续剧,纪录片和故事片。 会员可以在任何连接互联网的屏幕上随时随地观看所需的内容。 成员可以播放,暂停和继续观看,而无需广告或承诺。 眼镜蛇Kai | 第3季日期公告预告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. I think Miguel waking up would be the first thing, and then it’s gonna do some “7 months later” thingy after that and Miguel is able to walk again

  2. Many people think that johnny and daniel join forces and beat kreese. In my opinion, I don't think they not. Cuz all of the shit that happened, everything kind of mess up

  3. Had avoided the show because really didn't want to be let down by another of my childhood nostalgia's ruined by modern money grabs.
    Finally broke and started watching. Season one was well above my low expectations. It only got better and better all the way through season 2, all I can say is expectations blown away and love the story so far and all the characters, great "balance" of old and new too xD So glad to see season 3-4 are coming!

  4. My opinions:
    Sam is annoying a majority of what happend is her fault.

    Robby deserves better than Sam

    Tory had every right to start the fights because Sam knew exactly what she was doing

    Miguel and Tory are endgame

  5. I just watched the Season 2 finale tonight! Over the last two weeks, I didn’t expect to get invested in this show so fast. Cobra Kai so far has exceeded my expectations. Put these young teens in the next Power Rangers Movie Hasbro

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