英雄联盟移动机器人比北美地区的人类更难,实际上不是单击诱饵-Wild Rift

也感谢超过10万个订阅者的超赞。 NEACE移动渠道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfpq1jJDcSzH3qWsPIy5EDw(即将推出品牌)老兄,这些机器人比PC版本的wtf还要好吗? 现在与Facebook Streamer合作:fb.gg/neace Insta:https://www.instagram.com/neaceinsta/在Twitter上关注Neace https://twitter.com/NEACETWEETS?lang=en。

  1. You should try the Practice mode bot – it's actually frustrating to fight against XD
    EDIT: Oh nevermind, you actually did it. Also, they're really good in AI – intermediate.

  2. you should have tried this again but with a hero that isnt good against the garen bot (i think it doesnt know about your R mechanic if you didnt have your ult you would have died so much)
    and also without spells because the bot never used spells so its only fair.

    maybe you can try it again now but they actually nerfed garen bot recently because its too strong..i personally think if its strong its better practice mode

  3. this vid got recommended to me . Just so you know , Mobile Games are BIG in South East Asia. Before WR came , another Moba was and still is big in SEA and we have competitive leagues for PH, Indonesia & MY/SG. PUBG mobile is also big here.Some organizations are already actually looking for WR pro players . So, if you want to make new channel for WR. You will get new audiences hence growing your channel more.

  4. "I'm just fascinated in the direction its going." its going in the tencent direction. Tencent did the same thing to blizzard and now they don't release anything good either. chinese companies only release mobile games because they are popular in china.

  5. Hahahahah lmao as soon as i heard him say "im playing on the Philippines server" i was thinking he's gonna be playing teamed up with toxic teammates casually pulling out the "POTA" word ? too bad he didn't..

  6. Oh yeah i played bots to get used to shit, man i should've just played against people

    The bots have better mechanics than the people when i started

  7. And btw I love this game because it's strict to its player and I personally like that so that no one's gonna troll ones I'm playing then my game crashed I couldn't load the game but it loaded when the game ended and I have been banned for 6 hours even tho I feel sad cause I couldn't play but I like it.

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