XBOX SERIES X上的《战地风云1》超赞!

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  1. On the real, idk how people are gonna claim console superiority when they're acknowledging this is a far better gameplay experience when this quality has been available on PC since launch and this gameplay is still FPS locked and not even max graphics. As time goes, consoles are just becoming PC's, kinda telling what platform won in the end. On another note, too bad they can't, or rather wont make Battlefield 1 a crossplay game, it's kinda on its way out on PC.

  2. the PS5 one looks like in High-Ultra PC settings. This XSX version looks a bit medium to low but with high resolution (considering X1, that's probably the case) since I play on low settings on my RX 550. Maybe DICE should provide HQ textures for XSX compatibility mode as well

  3. I've played a lot of games on my Series X since I had it…. and even the games without a new Series X patch, they feel "New", I loaded Halo 5 and it is silky smooth.
    Seeing this, I will download it and give it a shot.
    I jumped from Playstation as I was sick of their shit….. so I'll get back on this today.

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