关于小型和丛林旋转基本指南| 狂想曲英雄联盟手机

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  1. Actually it is a pretty bad move sometimes to put ward directly on opponents blue buff because some enemy junglers will try to camp hiding on your side bush waiting until you exhaust all skill on the red buff and pounce you hard

  2. So I've been playing summoners rift for a long time, and every jungler has a certain path. For eg Lee Sin is an early game jungler and doesn't require mana, that means you start with your red buff then go to the raptors and then clear the bot side camps in general. On the other hand a jungler like Master Yi requires mana, that means it's wise to clear the top side. Then gank the lane you can get kills on. Also if you're getting invaded, it's better to leave it and do the wolves, they give a lot of exp and it becomes easier to fight. Just keep the pathing in mind and don't forget to check the creep scores. Compared to summoners this map is really small so it's more likely that you'll get invaded. Also if you're wondering what jungler I use in summoners, it's Kayn. I do not know if he'll be released though. Good luck playing. Keep up the good vibes.

  3. To the hopefull junglers out their: if the minion wave is balanced and your mid laner is STILL in lane don't help clearing them unless it's a gg push or the wave is shoving in the turret. We midlaners can clear the lane just fine, we don't need tour help unless your ganking.
    Thank you

  4. I disagree with the warding. Use ur first ward to help the midlaner. Give him vision of the river so he won't be ganked and he'll use his own ward for the other river. U can't invade buffs at level 1 anyways unlike in ml. If u do, ur lanes will be gap.

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