NBA 2K21-PS5与Xbox Series X(加载时间/图形/游戏玩法)比较

在具有下一代NBA 2K21的两个游戏机之间进行快速比较。 我讨论了加载时间,游戏性,照明和整体图形。 ►►通过订阅我的频道来支持我-►►在Twitter上关注我以获取最新的储物柜代码,游戏内容并与我互动- PS5 #XSX#比较

  1. Let's be honest, is the average person really going to be able to pick the bones out of these two? I'd be happy with either. Are you listening Father Xmas? That being said I've heard much better reviews about the haptic feedback PS5 controller compared to the Xbox Series X.

  2. Yo… Just asking, how do I get the game for the Series S? Go into store and buy it there? Or can I buy game keys for the Series X and it works with the S?

  3. I feel it's a tiny bit better on the Series X, but nothing significant at all. 100% sure I'm not gonna play this game but cool comparison!

  4. I noticed more skin texture and sweat drops on the XSX version. Especially on Jordan’s arms where they were absent on the Ps5 version. Also notice the shadow that appears on the players face at 3:00 that is absent on the Ps5 version. Both are almost identical overall though.

  5. Personaly i spot a difference. The Xbox x their faces look a tad more real. Especially when that lady was with the microphone in the beginning. And the sweat i think it was on Currys face at 2:17.. but other than that they're both good..I just hope the ps5 didn't catch on fire with there cooling issue ?

  6. I mean it looks the same and in the thumbnail it’s literally the same I guess the lighting on the Xbox version is a tiny bit shittier but that’s about it can’t go wrong either way

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