Hausla Aur Ra​​ste [Short Film] -官方预告片| Maulik Chauhan | Chetan Bhairam | Roshan Bhondekar

故事受印度社会过去的事件以及农民为何自杀的影响。 这是一个来自中下阶层农民家庭的女孩的成功故事。 她如何追求完成公务员考试(UPSC)的梦想。 她在一个资源有限/无法实现自己的梦想的村庄长大。 尽管千方百计,她还是成为了IAS官员,树立了榜样。 当她爱上另一种姓氏的富商时,她是如何赢得家庭和与他结婚的心。 在印度社会中,大多数婚姻是根据家庭的经济状况捆绑在一起的。 这个故事向那些相信为正确的事业支持社会的人们传达了一个信息。 演员:Maulik Chauhan Suresh Joshi Sanjay Wanve Atul Bhandarkar Anjali Bhandarkar Swapnil Jangle Nilesh Hambarde Himanshi Kawale Sarojlata Barwe Lightman — Venkat Bhondekar静态摄影– Manoj Mudgal由— Imran Roikh编剧和对话– Maulik Chatohan&电影导演-Prashant Chauhan副主编:Ravi Sachdev副摄影师-Akshit Rohda监制-Chetan Bhairam联合监制-Prashant Waghaye执行监制-Yogesh Bhondekar副导演Maulik Chauhan编剧兼导演Roshan Bhondekar ————- ————————————————– ————————– IMDB? ——— ————————————————– ——————————奖项?#HauslaAurRaste#短片#奖项获奖1.第七届德里国际短裤节特别节日奖电影节’2018。2.第22季官方入围 2018年加尔各答国际文化电影节。3.法国戛纳地中海电影节“最佳第一届电影人”奖。 4.美利坚合众国佛罗里达达尼丁国际电影节2019官方评选。 5.独立国际短片电影节“天短”正式入围-委内瑞拉第五届FINDECOIN 2019。 6.在印度海得拉巴举行的2019年印度世界电影节上的正式入围。 7. 2019年南欧国际电影节正式入围-西班牙巴伦西亚。 8.第八届年度国际选拔赛-马德里国际电影节(西班牙),2019年8月。

  1. Hearty congratulations to the writer of this Short Hindi Film to touch upon a live topic about the distress of farmers. This film epitomizes two aspects, first that a farmer, inspite of being poor financially, does not loose hope and allows his daughter to study. After completing her IAS exam, she achieves her Goal quite naturally and easily. She becomes the Collector in the Public Services. Secondly, there is no distinction in matrimonail relationships created, despite cast, creed and prejudices, and financial status, if you have the encouragement,have built morale of your own self, the path or the road ahead will be soon very near for building bridges.

  2. The Trailer Advertisement is so wonderful. Very inspiring topic . Well done Roshan, Prashant, Chetan and the team of actors from Bhandara.Appears to be a very promising short film of 2018. Good Luck, Roshan.

  3. अगदी हृदयस्पर्शी आणि अर्थपूर्ण असे ट्रेलर आहे..हौसला और रास्ते जगण्याची नवीन उमेद आणि ऊर्जा देते..Nothing is impossible in this world just we must have true heart and dedication,perseverance in our work then success will be ours..Best Of Luck to Hausla aur Raste Team…

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