亚伯拉罕·希克斯(Abraham Hicks)-这就是您减慢负面情绪并加快正面动量的方式

?查看我的网站:https://lawofattractiontheessence.com?观看我的Abraham Hicks 2019播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VneWo6O-fA&list=PLzY3KcZRa1NN1v0Q14Qqq0pVtTotgb06r?在Facebook上找到我:https:// www.facebook.com/eternal.joy.freedom/吗com / stores / andrea-roman?亚伯拉罕·希克斯(Abraham-Hicks)2013-04-15坎昆?安德里亚·罗马(Andrea Roman)在Vyond拍摄的新亚伯拉罕希克斯视频。 如果您喜欢这些视频,请不要忘记点击“订阅”按钮和“铃声”按钮以获取更多通知。 这样,您就不会错过我的任何新视频。 A所有Abraham-Hicks音频材料均由Esther Hicks拥有版权,我们在使用受版权保护的材料准则后共享这些材料:https://www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks/about?I,Andrea Roman,是唯一的被许可人在此频道上获得动画录像的商业权利。 这些权利无法进一步转让,并且受GoAnimate,Inc.(Vyond平台的运营商和Vyond.com上的Vyond网站的运营商)管辖,其使用条款位于https://www.vyond.com/terms/。 谢谢!#AbrahamHicks #EstherHicks #Manifest。

  1. This is why I resonate with Abraham Hicks, the best way to stop negative emotions is by focusing on more pleasant things or at least, giving them a break by having softer and more general thoughts or by taking a nap, going to sleep, or meditating if possible. The goal is to slow down and eventually to stop the momentum of those negative emotions. ♥️♥️♥️

  2. God does love everyone and Ester /Abraham I do beleive God sent you to show us there is a Holy Spirit and vortex inner being and I know we have eternity in non physical. Everyone laughed I realize but God is love. Thank you Abraham I know you know your an angel on earth.

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