假新闻作家| 官方预告片#2 | YouTube系列

不要错过Fake News Writer的官方预告片。 10月15日首映! 一位有抱负的编剧会获得一份写保守主义宣传的工作,而他必须向极端主义的自由派黑客室友隐藏。 不要错过FAKE NEWS WRITER,这是一部涵盖政治两面的新喜剧系列。 10月15日首映。 有关更多信息,请访问官方网站:www.fakenewswriter.com在Facebook上喜欢:https://www.facebook.com/FakeNewsWriterSeries在Instagram上关注:https://www.instagram.com/fakenewswriterseries在Twitter上关注:https: //twitter.com/fnwseries。

  1. another trailer (which I can't find anymore) claimed it was "making fun of both sides" and "bipartisan", but the only jokes that were showed (and are showed in any of the trailers for that matter) are anti-left ones… i guess the real fake news is the way you're marketing this show lmao

  2. I feel like the polarized shitheads that this series makes fun of are going to be the same ones watching this and laughing it all over like they never said a single word about anything.
    Not saying it's 'only for neutral folks' but it's just going to be aggravating is all.

  3. This looks like it has a lot of potential.  Using humor to highlight the absurdity of what's going on in this country.  Looking forward to it.

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