
(2018)《狗屋里的生活》讲述了丹尼·罗伯肖和罗恩·丹塔的鼓舞人心的生活故事,以及他们在丹尼和罗恩的救援行动中所做的非凡工作。 十年和10,000只狗之后,他们独特的生命和狗救助方法将吸引人的心,并激发数百万人成为人类最好的朋友的正确选择。 www.LifeInTheDoghouseMovie.com www.DannyRonsRescue.org FilmRise(发行权)220 36th Street,4th Fl•纽约州布鲁克林11232 [email protected] +1(718)369-9090 filmrise.com Docutainment Films(制片公司)11924 West森林山林荫大道,惠灵顿,佛罗里达州10A-406套房33414 [email protected] docutainmentfilms.com罗恩·戴维斯(导演/制片人)迈克尔·库里巴(编辑)克莱·韦斯特维尔特(摄影导演/制片人)南希·诺克斯·塔尔科特(制片人)#LifeInTheDoghouse #DannyRonsRescue #DannyAndRonsRescue #Dog #Rescue #DogAdoption #DannyRobertshaw #RonDanta加入我们的邮件列表:http://eepurl.com/cAvTsz。

  1. I cried TWICE watching this documentary. Our beloved k9 son HARLOW of 17 yrs (A Jack Russell PB {father} & American Eskimo PB {mother } passed just 2 yrs ago in the same way you helped your k9 son. And when the drone video of the animal kill shelter and their doing BROKE my heart!! Thank GOD there are people like you two, who are SAVIORS for so many dogs. THANK YOU!!!!!! We donated $20 in Harlow's name to help you guys to continue to feed, shelter, and RESCUE many more puppies!!!

  2. you are 2 incredible human beings, to dedicate your life to rescuing dogs, and caring for them a donation is on its way xxx Dave from England

  3. It’s sacrilege the so many folks are out the buying pets when there are so many animals being euthanized. Millions of animals are being abused, neglected and killed because humans think this world revolves around them. Much thanks and gratitude to these 2 Saint for offsetting that.

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