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在公元9年的图特堡森林之战中,日耳曼部落试图制止罗马帝国的传播时,三种生命的命运相互关联。 仅在10月23日才在Netflix上出现蛮人。类型和语言。 会员可以在任何连接互联网的屏幕上随时随地观看所需的内容。 成员可以播放,暂停和继续观看,而无需广告或承诺。 野蛮人| 官方预告片| Netflix https://youtube.com/Netflix。

  1. finally a director who makes the Romans speak in the correct language .. hearing the Romans speak in English with American slang is something ridiculous .. it is as if an American heard, in a film about the civil war, Gen. Lee speaking in Italian: )

  2. He'll always be know as a Traitor of Rome true he gets a victory against her but it doesn't matter nor makes him a conquer nor ends anything cause it only unleashes her Romes Wrath and Rage and She sends one of her greatest generals in history with retaliation retabution and Vengence and His Name is Germanicus and he Avenges the 3 Legions that we're lost and he defeats them time and time again and bring the barbarian Scum to heel

  3. That battle was a disaster, but geopolitically speaking it didn't change anything. Romans didn't have any interest in conquering forests, when there was an entire world of rich and advanced kingdoms and cities in the East. They just had revenge with Germanicus and estabilished a border on Rhenus, that they crossed whenever they wanted. Everynody in owe with the show for the language, but historically speaking, it's rubbish.

  4. Show: "Guten Tag, Wassermelone Schadenfreude Schaufelradbagger Verkehrsinsel Klingenschmied!"
    English viewers: "Damn, historical accuracy in my veins! Long live Kartoffelsalat!"

  5. 5:30 PM 11/10/2020 Just watched the first two episodes. Does everyone like the show? The voices in my head were relating what Im going through to the plot/story. They did it to me with Stranger Things and I havent watched Stranger Things yet. Someone or bunch of people were in tears I dont know why but Im pretty sure this is going on. Dont mean to the ruin the story but I would have crucified the entire town for stealing the STANDARD and yes Im a HERMAN (Arminius) too. Arminius is a Prince from his tribe and a knight from the Roman military.

  6. If the fans of the "Barbarians"-series want to see and hear a good music video about Arminius and the Batte of the Teutoburg Forest, then search for the channel of "Dr. Ludwig" and the band "Werkraum" with their song "Wir rufen deine Wölfe". The video is showing scenes from a good re-enacted documentary and the lyrics in German and English language.
    Mega ???

  7. Everyong bitching about the "spoken language " .you are ignoring the real flaws of the show. The protagonist are quite annoying..first time watching roman crueltyand actually rooting for roman to murdered them all ??

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