Creality Ender 3 V2-通过打开此设置可加快打印速度,而不会牺牲质量

因此,您需要更快的打印速度,因此追求速度,但效果并不总是那么好。 因此,也许您会减少填充。 那不会产生坚固的零件,因此壁线可能更少……这会导致填充物显示出来。 那么,您可以在不解决这些问题的情况下如何加快打印速度呢? 在本视频中,我向您展示了如何激活Cura中非常方便的功能以加快打印过程,同时保持相同的壁线,填充百分比,并且可以按照自己的方式保持速度。 一小部分可以节省1/2个小时或更长时间。 在很大程度上,它会产生更大的影响。 请尝试一下,并在评论中让我们知道它如何为您工作。 我已经使用这种方法几天了,并且效果很好。 我倾向于坚持只加倍,三倍的值可能会导致一些问题,具体取决于您的图层高度设置。 这是我用于设置的设备:Raspberry Pi 4 Computer 2gb Pi Camera V2长电缆电源电缆 Raspberry Pi 4B ABS机箱,带风扇和散热器硼硅酸盐玻璃底板我的打印机:https:// amzn。 to / 3hwQU9W我的资料:。

  1. Thanks for this tip! I have a customer print that normally takes 8 hrs 22 min at .28 layer height, 55 mmps, 4 perimeters, 4 top and bottom layers and 25% grid infill (infill print time and percentage: 1:48 @ 22%). Changing the infill layer thickness to 0.56 reduced print time to 7 hrs 27 mins (infill print time and percentage: 0:58 @ 13%). Every little bit helps! Will print tonight to see how the layers look.

  2. U may have used Cura 4.7.x to print? It has known bugs for improper printing around the curves. V4.8 recently released from beta, use that. They fixed it.

  3. I tried making a 3 piece print like thies.. but then the printer does not recognize the fact it has to go up to go over other walls… just you can only do this with a 1 part print. ( tried copying your cam with stand setup of 3 pieces ) and I saw your time was 3 hours something there in cura… mine was 7… so I figured you had the infill setting on. Tried but it ripped though all my parts. gonna clean the glass plate when it cooled. What settings did you had turned on ? for the octopi cam to make it a 3 hour something print. I tried copying your top botom layers like you have em so you get the open look with the stand. and yes I only have pla so Might not be a good idea ?

  4. I'm trying this right now with Ikea Lack adapters for my E3V2 in PLA. I'll let you know what I think when they're finished. I did a 0.4 infill layer thickness and a 0.2 layer height. Cura gave me an orange box at 0.4 but we'll see what happens. It's a long print cause I added some other parts, but when it was just the two Ikea risers it went from over 9(000) hours to just under 7 hours. Not a bad savings in time! But, whether the parts are viable or not is unknown right now. Obviously, the weak spots in my application are in perpendicular loading of the riser, which it almost never sees being that the load is directly on top of the part. May not be an issue…

  5. Man, I love these videos, but I upgraded my v2 to a Bondtech DDX and a Slice Copperhead… I wonder how a direct drive system would affect the cura settings you have posted.

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