华为P40 / P40 Pro-如何安装YouTube Vanced应用程序,它有效! ?

1.转到YouTube Vanced https://vanced.app/。2.下载应用程序以及MicroG软件包。3.从apkmirror下载Sai应用程序,您需要YouTube Vanced安装它。 4.安装MicroG,安装Sai,然后通过Sai安装YouTube Vanced 5.不要启动Youtube Vanced应用! 6.转到“设置/应用/应用”,点击右上角的三个点并显示系统进程,找到Vanced MicroG,将其打开,然后在高级设置中禁用Google设备注册和Google Cloud Messaging 7.现在启动YouTube Vanced并登录到您的帐户中。8.恭喜,您已经可以正常使用YouTube(并且没有添加)。

  1. Can't do this on mate 30 pro. After writing a password to google account it never connect do account. There is "your device is connecting to google . It may take several minutes."

  2. Last few months I did make it to this installation but now the app cant use and I redo the step won't able to work … Are there any solutions?

  3. Thank you so much for this… But this is still a bit like rocket science to me… Making me doubt if Huawei is still worth buying or not…

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