如何加快uTorrent 3.5 [Best Settings] -最高下载速度!

教程:提高uTorrent 3.5.5的最新下载速度100%正常工作2018 [Fastest Settings]。 最佳端口:11136、11132、15387、15987、18368、18318、16391、45682、53906、63572。让uTorrent更快,对我来说就像一个魅力! 不要说“它不起作用”,只需尝试另一个端口即可! 如何将设置重设为默认值? 关闭µTorrent,然后从%AppData% uTorrent中删除settings.dat和settings.dat.old。 额外的标签:如何使uTorrent更快(600%+)如何使uTorrent更快(500%更快!)如何加快uTorrent 3.4.7(WORKS 100%2016)4倍速度如何加快uTorrent 3.4.8 [Fastest Settings]
如何加快uTorrent 3.4.9(2016年最佳最快设置)的10倍速如何将uTORRENT 3.5.0从10 KBPS提升到10 MBPS(工作效率为100%) [BEST SETTINGS] 2017最新! 。

  1. These tutorials are crap and I wish people would stop looking for them. You cannot alter the connection settings in any way that would offer any significant speed increases. Speeds depend mostly on your DL/UL speeds assigned by your ISP, the amount of trackers/peers your torrent has, and whether or not the necessary TCP/UDP ports are open.

  2. DONT BELIEVE ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT. uTorrent fresh out of install gets me 12-18mb/sec. down (12 GB .iso in 30 minutes or so) with ZERO adjustments. And remember kiddo's – the number of seeds means nothing when looking for speed. 100 seeds on dialup or a weak ass dsl seed pack of 100 will get you nothing. 4 healthy seeds easily gets 8-10mb down here. LEARN how torrents work, this video is COMPLETE BS, but you'll be dumb enough to waste your time.

  3. DONT BELIEVE ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT. uTorrent fresh out of install gets me 12-18mb/sec. down (12 GB .iso in 30 minutes or so) with ZERO adjustments. And remember kiddo's – the number of seeds means nothing when looking for speed. 100 seeds on dialup or a weak ass dsl seed pack of 100 will get you nothing. 4 healthy seeds easily gets 8-10mb down here. LEARN how torrents work, this video is COMPLETE BS, but you'll be dumb enough to waste your time.

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