
新型Apple Silicon M1芯片上的前Google TechLead。 加入前Google / ex-Facebook工程师参加我的编码面试培训:http://techinterviewpro.com/ explained解释了100多个编程面试问题的视频:https://coderpro.com/?注册我的免费的每日编码面试练习:http://dailyinterviewpro.com/?了解如何在YouTube上建立起$ 1,000,000 +的业务:http://youtubebackstage.com/?限时优惠:当您存入$ 100时,可在网上获得3张免费股票(价值最高$ 1600):https://act.webull.com/k/S4oOH2yGOtHk/main?我的计算机/摄像头设备:http://amazon.com/shop/techlead?TechLead“超薄”钱包https:/ /amzn.to/2WNhqEP?TechLead定制咖啡机:https://amzn.to/3dxwrzr?聚会:http://instagram.com/techleadhd/ http://twitter.com/techleadhd/ https:/ /discord.gg/pFUBUtE披露:一些链接是产品的会员链接。 对于通过这些链接进行的购买,我可能会收到少量佣金。 #techlead。

  1. It's one thing to dislike the business practices of a company but to be this ridiculously hyperbolic in light of actual evidence shown by multiple different reviewers is silly. Also the remark regarding Pro users is also hilariously off. I've been a full time professional software engineer for the last 12 years now. For my own personal Dev environment there really isn't a reason to not use a mac (or at the very least a distribution of linux such as Ubuntu). It's windows that still to this day far behind.]

  2. All Internet community benchmarks show us the results, and your poor demonstration is quiet stupid and more other totally wrong. Sorry, M1 provides performances, optimisations, battery efficiencies. And Not for one second ???????? back to school or be less lazy. ?

  3. This is just a weird point of view, given that since the release, the reviews have been nothing short of glowing. There’s little question that the M1 is the beginning of the next generation of laptop processors, including for non-Apple PCs.

    I’m not an Apple fanboy. I’ve used both, and I’ve owned androids and iPhones. But the M1 is the 11th generation of Apple silicon, so there’s no reason to wait till next year to buy it.

    So this video (as a millionaire) is kind of, well, wrong.

  4. So wrong. I haven't upgraded my MBP 2015 and will buy a Windows laptop if they dont have this new M1 chip. Apple thrives on its innovation, not the name

  5. Best Battery Life (Laptopmag.com)

    1. Dell Latitude 9510 (18:17)

    2. Dell Latitude 9410 2-in-1 (16:54)

    3. Asus ExpertBook B9450 (16:42)

    4. Apple MacBook Pro, 13-inch, M1, 2020 (16:32)

    5. Samsung Galaxy Book Flex 15 (15:44)

    6. MacBook Air with M1 (14:41)

    7. LG Gram 14 2-in-1 (2020) (14:00)

    8. Dell Latitude 7400 (13:23)

    9. HP Spectre x360, 13-inch, Late 2019 (13:20)

    10. Dell Latitude 7400 2-in-1, (13:08)

    Good to see Apple finally catch up…lol

  6. But you were wrong, Apple is a good company, your selfesteem is not going to let you see the truth. The company is good, better than Microsoft for sure. The laptop really has that performance. Apps have only to be compiled for the apple chip nothing else

  7. Don't listen to this man. Apple has blown everyone out of the water. The Intel's are too hot and not fast enough for all the heat produced. The people at TWIT and Anand Tech are blown away.

  8. Most people work from home these days and mostly use Citrix Receiver to log in to their VM etc which are designed to run on X86 architecture. You can work as of now with emulator kind of software Rosetta or something but without native support you can understand.
    How ever for YouTube Reviewers "work" is content creation for YouTube so you get what their reviews mean for real working professionals.

  9. ARM/RISC is the future of CPU design(!), and Apple have just stolen the lead. The other CPU manufacturers are starting to sweat… yet, as a self-named TechLead, you dismiss this as an anti-competitive business move?

    Mark my words, in 10 years, x86 will not exist. Intel and AMD will be making ARM/RISC chips, or they just won’t be able to compete.

    x86 is doomed because of significant thermal limits. “You cannae change the laws of physics”.

  10. I like you, but I disagree on this video.

    I know apple has fan boys and they buy anything having apple logo on it . But I personally think M1 is a good leap in laptop computing.

  11. I agree with you but I think you might have missed a lot of the story. This is what blows my mind:
    -Yep, before apple was a stupid choice for performance/$. But dollar cost for performance of this thing is crazy good. Like better than going windows (I say this as a firm Apple critic and have always used windows).
    -x86 is actually a bloated, terrible instruction set (IMO). This hasn't been a problem for PCs because the incredible power use and low efficiency hasn't bothered us. But in the direction things are going with so many battery devices and power being a huge factor in many applications (one of the big limiting factors with neural networks), this kind of technology is perfectly timed.
    -It seems like it will reduce apple costs by a significant amount (apparently these cost them only $40-50 to make).

    I think what we might be seeing here is the start of a big change in the industry. This thing literally outperforms much more expensive, much more power hungry chips.
    Incorporating the neural engine is really really smart. With all the parallel processing and memory integrated into the chip (and GPU), I mean this has so much potential for parallel processing and could be used for everything from high end gaming (graphics processing) to machine learning and video encoding ect. It's actually really practical and really smart. I'm pretty blown away to be honest.
    On my PC, my processor and graphics card ($500+ between them a year ago) use 275Watts between them, and that's not even counting cooling and other components.
    This thing uses less than 10 watts and from the numbers and tests I've seen will actually be faster at a lot of tasks (partly because of memory/component integration). And for a fraction of the price. This is what we really need I think. I hope it marks the beginning of a move away from x86 – it's massively bloated, wasteful and inefficient and is becoming less necessary every year.

  12. Funny that when the raspberry pi as a desktop years ago is dissmissed but when apple used arm chip it's suddenly revolutionary. They both use arm cpu. What a croquet.

  13. well it's a future vision right? everything on one chipset, everything everywhere, how sick is that? Work in an editing app with full functionality on a desktop, open the same project on your tablet in the train with touch optimized gui / different way of accessing same features. Even open it on your phone and look at it etc.. In the future only they size of the screen and the input method is going to matter.

  14. Ha! You're such a troll!
    You don't need a developer account or a signed certificate to run your program on a Mac, only the user's permission. There is not a, and will never be, 'walled garden' around the Mac like there is around iOS devices.
    The Mac is now much more open to third-party developers than it was when it was first introduced.
    All that extra administrative overhead (and 30% 'commission') is required only if you want to sell through the App Store.
    There is plenty of quality software through GitHub and other web sources well away from Apple's control.

  15. what your sayn is so obvious but why does virtually no one say it. its because westerners behave like fervent nationalist zombies under veneer of progressiveness

  16. Well, given the reviews here on how easily the M1 can handle raw 4k, this is the first Mac I've purchased from Apple directly since the first Mac Pro issued in 2007. Everything Apple produced after that upgradable working man's Mac Pro was nothing more than fashion window dressing. This M1 chip promises to be a game changer for video publishing as Steve Job's revolution was in desktop publishing more than 20 years ago. To be fair, and I've NEVER purchased an iPhone, how many of you have seen an 8-core gpu inside an 8-core cpu?

  17. It's just about preventing ios from running on non apple hardware & preventing non apple operating systems from running on apple hardware. There's very little technical merit. It would have been more interesting if they went big endian for purity, though we're never going to see a return of 68000 assembly.

  18. Performance on M1 looks very very good even under long term stress … however the solid problem is Apples full control over the environment. Even actual Macs are tricky, however with M1 you are in Apple Gulag full scale.

  19. Can be as faster as f*, but the garden is now walled as high as sky's limit, however I prefer to keep my freedom so that Apple not have to hold my hand like a child.

  20. "not good for developers" – the code works across an *ecosystem*. An ecosystem that lots of people use. Lots of people trust is safer than finding an app from some random developer on the web. That means nothing?

  21. Had to stop watching when you pushed the narrative that people would buy anything with an Apple logo. There's no way you can seriously believe this, right? That's an insult to anyone with an understanding of the industry. Really, it is. It's sloppily repeating a line you hear in the media just because you hear it a lot.

    People buy Apple products for good reasons. The stand was targeted at large businesses who'll spend hundreds of thousands on huge setups and don't care about extra costs for stands. Sure, Apple's gouging them, but that's pretty standard for B2B: prices are insane. For consumers, it was a meme to get people talking about Apple (which worked). It's not like anyone actually bought one, but boy, did they buy other Apple products.

    You look silly for not recognizing this basic marketing tactic.

    Beyond the stand, there aren't any examples of what you're talking about. There just aren't. Apple products work well—that's why people buy them. People really do like them, and that's OK. There's no accounting for taste, but saying people will buy Apple products for the logo makes you sound like a media sheep.

    Stop being lazy. Do better research. Write better scripts. And most importantly, use your brain.

  22. You have probably jumped the gun dismissing the M1. It seems every one has the new M1 Mac swears by its performance.

  23. Off topic question:
    Coding Bootcamp vs CS degree/college ? I know a CS degree would probably have more weight, but can you go far if you've only done a Coding Bootcamp? Just finishing high school this year so i'm not sure as to what i should pursue, i get relatively average marks for math (around 60-75%). Was worried that i wouldn't be able to keep up with a CS degree and was wondering if a bootcamp was a good alternative?

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