PS5和Xbox Series X的最佳游戏电视(2020)

在此视频中,我们将介绍一些2020年最好的电视,这些电视将使您在新的PlayStation 5或Xbox Series X上获得最佳体验。 随着新游戏机的推出,我们将研究一些满足不同需求的电视。 无论您是想寻找更便宜的产品,还是想全力以赴并在全新的控制台上获得最佳质量的图像,我们都能为您提供一些帮助。 最佳预算电视:最佳电视适用于PS5: .com / watch?v = Gzt9nAdXkMw Xbox X系列最佳电视: B08F2WS438?tag = rtings-vid-20总体最佳: https://值得注意的提法: = vf3_azI7HUo支持我们:职业:关注我们: https:// twitter .com / rtingsdotcom简介01:06最佳预算02:28最佳中档03:48最佳4 k LED 04:42最佳总体05:51值得注意的07:00结论…我们直接通过您在我们网站上的内部访问从您那里赚钱(使您可以使用其他功能:内部人员)以及您在单击指向零售商的链接后购买产品的情况。 了解有关我们工作方式的更多信息: #RTINGSdotcom #LGTV #SamsungTV #SonyTV #VizioTV。

  1. A few things we wanted to mention in the video:

    1. We've started working on a test methodology update for TVs. One of the biggest goals with this update is to add game mode testing. We're still working out the exact details, but we should have more information to share in the coming weeks. When we do, we'll retest all 2020 models we still have, and update our recommendations based on our findings.

    2. Many of you are wondering why we released this video if we haven't actually tested it. It's a valid question. We could have waited, but our goal here is to help as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. As many people were starting to receive their launch units, and many of you were already asking for our recommendations, we decided to release this video early. Since filming this video we've received the Xbox Series X that we preordered, and we're still trying to buy a PS5. As soon as we're able to test them both, we will. We update our recommendation articles frequently, so stay tuned to our website for the latest updates based on our test results and your feedback.


  2. I know it’s probably not one anyone’s all that excited about, but the Samsung Q70T hits way above its spec’s. And I have been loving my PS5 on it

  3. Looking forward to buying the 2021 edition of the LG CX OLED 65” TV for both the PS5, and the Xbox Series X next-generation gaming consoles. Please, review these with this TV.

  4. We don't have the console so test with, and we are recommending a 60hz panel for the budget category, but keep watching this video… guys. LG Nano85 support VRR and HDMI 2.1 4K 120hz so why isn't it the budget winner? The 49" was $499 for weeks in November.

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