
租借/购买:http://believemefilm.com付费推广:http://team.believemefilm.com脸书:http://facebook.com/believemefilm twitter:http://twitter.com/believemefilm INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/believemefilm故事:绝望,破产,并且出于想法,四名大学毕业生开办了一个假慈善机构,以挪用学费。 主演:亚历克斯罗素(Alex Russell),扎卡里·奈顿(Zachary Knighton),约翰娜·布雷迪(Johanna Braddy),迈尔斯·费舍尔(Smile),辛夸·沃尔斯(Sinqua Walls),麦克斯·阿德勒(Max Adler),主演莱克莱(Lecrae),尼克·提议(Nick Provideman)和克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳(Christopher McDonald Trailer)。

  1. Actually, I'm a devout Christian and I plan to see this movie. It looks funny, and while the trailer may seem to be making a mockery of people's beliefs, I think the movie will shed light on both sides. After watching the trailer a dozen times, it looks like this movie will give us something unexpected this year. I'm kind of excited. 

  2. This trailer is a bit off. There are a lot of moments where only the song [which is Percussion Gun by The White Rabbits] is playing without any other audio to be heard. It makes the trailer seem amateur, as if the song was just slapped on and the audio was faded in and out whenever they needed to. Feels somewhat lazy.

    Aside from that, though, the premise seems interesting.

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