
Howaya这是我最喜欢的15个Netflix系列影片。 它们并不是全部Netflix原著-它们只是Netflix现在的样子,我认为还不错。 很难按我最喜欢的顺序排列它们,因为它们都绝对很棒。 在这里,它们是从15号开始的。 欧扎克14号; 13号好女孩; 拨打助产士电话12; 非典型数字11; 好地方10号; 9号山屋的困扰; 我不喜欢这个数字8; 黑镜7号; 对我来说死了6 罪人编号5; 非正统数字4; 你们三号他妈的世界二号的尽头; 性教育第一名; 陌生事物我希望您喜欢该视频,并让我知道您最喜欢的Netflix系列评论是什么:)在Insta上关注我- #Netflix #NetflixSeries#Netflix2020。

  1. Hello there . Love your channel We loved the haunting and almost watched it in one sitting . Thanks for the info . New friends here , subbed and liked. Checking out more vlogs here . Thanks for stopping by our channel too !

  2. Netflix has been coming through for me during lockdown. I’m going to check these out. Subscribed ? Can you support my channel too? Thanks?

  3. great suggestions and there are a few I have not seen, but the ones I have I completely agree at how good they are. you have really good taste

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