
由詹姆斯·冈恩(James Gunn)撰写和导演。 主演Rainn Wilson,Ellen Page,Liv Tyler,Kevin Bacon,Nathan Fillion,Linda Cardellini和Michael Rooker。 由IFC Films在美国发行。 当悲伤的失败者弗兰克(雷恩·威尔逊)看到前瘾者妻子(利夫·泰勒(Liv Tyler))被诱人的毒贩(凯文·培根)抢走时,他发现自己失去了生活,完全无法应付。 但是不久,他决定以一个名为Crimson Bolt的DIY超级英雄为幌子进行反击。 凭借手工制作的西装,扳手和名为Boltie(艾伦·佩奇)的疯狂同伴,深红色的Bolt穿越了平庸的犯罪大街,以期挽救妻子。 这些规则是很久以前写的:你不应该骚扰孩子,剪线或锁车。 如果您这样做,准备面对深红色螺栓的愤怒! http://www.ifcfilms.com/films/super。

  1. I Definitely should watch this after watching Brightburn…
    I mean at the Mid credit scene confirmed which Crimson bolts picture was in the post scene of Brightburn If they do a sequel to Brightburn they are Soo Totally Gonna Do a M. night Shyamalan move like with the films Unbreakable, Split & Glass

  2. wait the independent news guy at the end of brightburn is also the guy with the gun at 2:04 so, that's a continuity error already unless the guy reformed his life or something…

  3. SPOIL ALERT: Nice actors and hottie actresses, but the story lines kinda sucked, affecting and suckening their already readied personalities. And plus, the cameraman filming the movie masterbates too much, the camera shaking with mini-fuck noises all the times through out the film. However, instead of just 2 stars, and to show it my gratitude for the somewhat hottie and not bad actresses in the movie, I give it a 4 stars out of 10. Good Luck people that still hasn't watched it and are going to. Movie hurts my eyes through out. For Kick Ass movie I give 7 of 10 stars. 😉

  4. Kick-Ass is made for people with your hero-is-Jesus-fetish. In short, just another stupid shallow feel-good teenage superhero hollywood popcorn movie. Super is a work of art that only comes once every 10 years.

  5. just watched it! this movie was really messed up but deep & i loved it <33 the trailer really doesn't give away that much about the movie 

  6. So I was watching this trailer and I'm like, " its just a rip off of Kick-Ass with witty/corky Ellen Page. Then dry humor from Dwight Shrute."
    Also kinda looked low budget and straight to dvd lame.
    Then 3/4 into the trailer I started to crack up.
    Instinct= watch it!

  7. dark and edgy but why do Americans always feel a compelling need to include god as a sub text into every single fucking movie they make, Australians and English and even the east Asian Indians don't do this shit, why is it so fucking important to keep force feeding their antiquated and mythical beliefs down every ones throat through main stream media

  8. Craziest, nuttiest movie I've seen in some time. And I can't recommend it enough. It is NOT a comedy.Well, maybe ironic comedy. Streaming on Netflix now…

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