
ESRB评分待审核:可能包含不适合儿童的内容。 请访问esrb.org获取评级信息。 看看新的永恒十字军预告片,介绍《阿尔霍纳战争》中的派系! 前往http://eternalcrusade.com购买您的创始人包! 在以下网站上关注我们:Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/40kcrusade Twitter:http://twitter.com/40kcrusade论坛:http://forum.eternalcrusade.com Instagram:http://instagram.com/40kcrusade 。

  1. My biggest concern about this game is: what are the MMO elements? From Alpha gameplay videos it just looks like Star Wars Battlefront with Warhammer skins. Will I be locked into a faction once I choose? Do I get to progress within my chosen faction? Is there loot? Or is it just another generic shooter where I can change factions after every match and there's no progression at all?

  2. I want Death Korps of Krieg to be a thing, so I can shovel a Demon in the face, die, and repeat until me and the 12 other guys doing this manage to kill him.

  3. Instead of making an amazing game by teaming up with Bioware for example, they keep making mediocre Warhammer 40k games… Dawn of War series were the best.

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