Xbox Series X与Series S

感谢LG赞助此视频! 在上查看LG OLED CX48电视。Xbox Series X和Series S在GPU处理能力(TFLOPS),存储和RAM上有一些关键差异,但是这些差异如何在游戏中体现出来? 我们使用刺客的Creed Valhalla进行了并排比较,以发现问题,我们将LG OLED CX48电视用作显示器,因为它是4K OLED电视,可提供惊人的图像质量和HDMI 2.1,可实现超快的刷新率。 这是用于主机游戏的完美电视! 您可以在这里购买:在亚马逊上购买Microsoft Xbox Series X(付费链接):在百思买(付费链接):https:// shop-在Newegg(付费链接):在B&H(付费链接):在Amazon上购买Microsoft Xbox Series S(付费链接):https: //在Best Buy(付费链接):在Newegg(付费链接):在B&H(付费链接):https ://通过某些商店链接进行的购买可能会为Linus Media Group提供一些补偿。 在论坛上进行讨论:►获取商品:http://www.LTTStore .com /►在水上飞机上支持我们:►LTXEXPO:会员和推荐人————– ————————————-►会员,赞助商和推荐人:https:// lmg。 gg / sponsors►私有Internet访问VPN:►我们的官方收费合作伙伴Anker:►MK键盘:►Nerd或芯片流叠加层:►NEEDforSEAT游戏椅:►DisplateMetal Prints:►官方游戏商店:https://►EpicGames Store(LINUSMEDIAGROUP):►AmazonPrime:►AudibleFree Trial: 8242J►StreamlabsPrime:►我们在亚马逊上的装备:在其他地方关注我们—————— ——— ———————— Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch:关注我们的其他频道———————- —————————– Techquickie:技术链接: techlinkedyt ShortCircuit: LMG剪辑:频道超级乐趣:拼车评论家:音乐信用————————————————- -标题:Laszlo-超新星视频链接: iTunes下载链接:艺术家链接:https :// Outro屏幕音乐信用:接近极乐世界-Sugar High显示器和键盘by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0 Mechanical RG B键盘,由BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0鼠标免费提供。型号:Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0。

  1. I am happy with my one a but I want a new next gem console and i think I’m heading towards getting the series S and personally I couldn’t really see a difference apart from Doom

  2. The problem with doom in this video is it runs the Xbox one S version on the series S, where as the series X runs the Xbox one X version. It needs a next-gen patch to bring it more in line with how it should be.

  3. Strange review. Why you didn't tested S version on full HD TV??? I don't want to buy 4k and I didn't understand are S are the same as X in Full HDTV? Or even in HDTV it will be also crap?

  4. The reason Doom Eternal looks better on the Series X is because it's running the Xbox One X version of the game and the Series S is running the Xbox One S version. The game has not been optimised for next gen yet. That's coming next year, and the Series S runs One S games. The Series X runs One X versions of games.

  5. I think for most people the best option is to go for the PlayStation 5, and in about a year or two get the Series S and Xbox Games Pass. I think it's gonna be more important to own both consoles this generation due to Sony investing more and more into first party exclusives and Microsoft building their first party portfolio with Bethesda and some other purchases. Should be very exciting to see how this generation plays out.

  6. -Xbox Series X – ($1200+ On Offerup) + Games($300) (Upscaled 4k)
    -PS5 – ($1200 on Offerup) + Games($300) (Upscaled 4k)

    -RTX 3090 – ($1500) + (Steam Sales) and in stock every single night on certain sites.
    Think I chose right. Most of you with a 3080 will be upgrading to a 4080 once you realize 10gb of Vram was sort of a slap in the face for future titles(Check Cold War @4k Ultra VRAM usage.) The 4080 will come out with 16-20gb of VRAM have 3090 performance at around $749 Next year. Around 50-60% of 3080 owner's will upgrade to it. It's funny seeing the (OMG Double the price) comment's on the 3090 when what it really is is Nvidia showing off what you'll be able to buy next year with a 4080. You just pay a premium to get it first. All the while, people are paying $1200 for upscaled 4K, expensive titles, and the same controller's. I have to mention you're also watching a video on 2 console's from a little guy named Linus, who would take a trip to Africa WITHOUT any Banana Boat lotion before he chose a console over a PC.

  7. Xbox series x vs xbox series s
    The equivalent of iPhone 11 vs iPhone 11 Pro
    Expect a beefed up version of the Nintendo switch next year

  8. Found a series s at my Walmart but afraid to buy. Upgrading to 4K tv after Christmas and have more than enough money saved to buy a series x. Any suggestions wether I should buy the series s or just wait for the x. I would definitely rather have the series x but I’m afraid they won’t be available for a long time

  9. I like how he’s giving genuine comparison, and not just being like “Yeah they’re about the same but pc still destroys both”

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