
“就像其他所有人一样,它是油炸面团。” 《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath,1940年)是由奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演约翰·福特导演的美国戏剧电影。 它基于约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck)撰写的普利策奖获奖作品《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath,1939年)。 剧本由纳纳利·约翰逊(Nunnally Johnson)撰写,执行制片人达里尔·赞纳克(Darryl F. Zanuck)。[1]

影片讲述了俄克拉荷马州一家人Joads的故事,他在1930年代大萧条期间失去了农场,后来成为移民工人并最终到了加利福尼亚。 影片详细介绍了他们在美国加州寻找家人的工作和机会时的艰辛历程。 1989年,这部电影是美国国会图书馆在“美国国家电影注册处”中被选为“具有文化,历史或美学意义”的25部电影之一。 。

  1. Hello and thank you for posting your video. It helped me learn more about Route 66 history.

    I linked to it on a Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWV6Eymwwv0NweoZXCfbLZWGuoTjzzqTd

    I linked to it on a map I am making of the Route 66: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10uq4hz5j4yML3Gn7s8PaNRYX7MsXfZLX&usp=sharing

    I linked to it on my blog: https://oldhighwaynotes.blogspot.com/2013/08/route-66-overview-of-mother-road-part-1.html

    Thanks again for sharing and making the world a smaller place.

  2. I LOVE how old trailers really described and sold the film with words. You watch 30 second movie trailers now, they usually just show clips of slapstick comedy or some trashy actor getting spanked.

  3. This was as close to realism as one could get if anyone has studied that awful time in history when a climate shift, the collapse of the stock market because of political interference, and the dawn of machinery which could till, cultivate, harrow and plant massive tracts of land all culminated to a sad period in American history. There was no minimum wage, no health care premiums, no unemployment insurance and the unforgiving plight by the gov't pushed these people back into the 19th century except for the rattling of overloaded caravans of decrepit cars and trucks going to the promised land. It wasn't until New York was hammered by the incessant dust and dirt from the interior that that people and the gov't came to notice and take action. Poor as we were as kids, there is no comparison to the story of one family and it's melancholic hope to survive. I do know what it's like to eat fried bread in lard and fried dough. But as kids, as in the movie, we took it lightly and kept on smiling and playing and life was an adventure as long as our bellies had some grits in it. I thank God I was never had to be born in a time like that. We take so very much for granted these days, but out of sight there is still millions just living to make ends meet with the joy of living stripped from them. And well, desperate in need opens lawlessness. This movie was made in 30 days but the ending had to be edited many times as some of the endings smacked of Communist ideologies and it was censored and so it ended in some lackluster way it didn't end according to the book. All critics agree it was " the best movie in history of film making made in just 30 days. " A politically and emotionally charged film not to be missed. Anyone who has even went through some hard times in life could agree.

  4. It's amazing, I've never watched the movie, I've never been to the United states, but I lived every moment of the tortuous trip the Joads had , every detail in the camp, in the orchards and of course the climax, the end of the story. Steinbeck  excelled himself !

  5. If anyone is curious, the bridge over the Colorado River (on the approach to which the Joads nearly rolled their overloaded truck) still exists (at least as of October 1994, when I personally saw it).  However, it is now used only to carry utilities across the river, while a more modern set of bridges carries the nearby freeway.

  6. I live in France and this year we will have an important exam. The have to find and interesting topic and work about it. So I thought about The great Depression in the usa (litterature) but my friend wants to work about the prohibition. What do you thing we should take?

  7. Human tragedy and failure of compassion are hardly querulous. "American" or not, it is the whole point. If the Grapes Of Wrath makes the case for "community socialism" then human history makes the case for my "querolous" comment.

  8. America has no monopoly on greed and contempt for their fellow humans. We as humans have the capability to live amongst each other yet we choose not to even to the point of war. It is not just American, but a global and chronological phenomenon. Hysterical hatred? Pray tell, what utopian society do you live in?

  9. Bless you…I will be there in few weeks for the big carshow…They come from
    all over…Guymon, Hooker, Liberal, TX,Colorado & more…History..Gotta
    keep it.

  10. Great movie, indeed..Can NEVER be re-done, and John Ford, well, he is a HERO..
    Fought/was in Army O.S.S. during World War II…Thanx for this

  11. I wonder when the jackasses in Hollywood are going to decide to remake this movie? After all, this one doesn't have car chases, explosions nor the ugly face of Jennifer Aniston ruining the movie.

  12. Don't to sound like a ass hole but my grand ma stays in a area where the street r a Lil hard my grand ma lives next to some to a family that r from Oklahoma my great grand ma was friends with there there great grand folks as well but a few yrs ago one of the dudes that lives their was telling to get the fuck out of here I don't belong here I was laughing at his dumb ass I said after u ass wipe u don't belong hear as well

  13. No way! Wow! So you were born in 1937? So you were were 3 years old after the end of the depression? And because you are now 75, you don't understand the rules of grammar? "experienced made real Americans of 6 boys" How do 12 people read that comment and give it a thumbs up?

  14. I haven't read this book by John Steinbeck, that fact is really important when one sees a movie because a "watcher" of a movie can't really experience what the writer painstakingly explaines in narrative form to a "reader".
    That having been said I can't imagine the book being a lot better than the movie, the movie explains the human spirit in such a way that it makes us proud to even watch it ( those that have read the book probably feel even prouder) , this is an inspirational work of art.

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