
滑翔伞海拔世界纪录,电影!!! 两名尼泊尔男子从珠穆朗玛峰的山顶起飞,并在世界上最高的山脉上进行了首次串联飞行。 appifly.org和fauxreelfilms.com带给您这个勇气,梦想和决心的惊人故事。

  1. Hi Hamilton , We are organising a fundraiser to rebuild schools in the Everest region , could we possibly show your inspirational Doco as one of the entertainment pieces on the night ? It will be held in Bondi Beach Australia . Regards Abby

  2. watched full documentary amazing.
    on summit babu sunuwar ran out of oxygen and t-sherpa gave babu his oxygen.
    See how he is asking for oxygen minutes after taking off haha he never got it back and minutes after that he just completely forgot about oxygen.
    They say sherpa can't die due to lack of oxygen. Its true

  3. babay dai and lakpa dai did great job…proud of what you done broz…keep on the sprite..good luck for babu dai for next event in europe..i heard you are first nepali who gonna take part na..my wish your choice after all god the the truth dai…jai hos…

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