
发行日期:2010年10月1日类型:浪漫演员:亚历克西娅·拉斯穆森,肯特·莫兰,赛比尔·谢泼德,厄尼·萨贝拉,弗兰克·沃森导演:马特·汤普森作家:肯特·莫兰立即订阅:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = BB5ag2hswmo。

  1. really hate movies like this that ending was brutal. Way better trailer than the first. As for the people saying this trailer sums up the movie are wrong because this only shows the first half of the movie. The second half will take you by surprise.

  2. the trailer only gives you a glimpse of the first half of the movie… honestly the second half whips out of nowhere. amazing movie

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