
窥见质量效应宇宙的下一章。 BioWare的一支经验丰富的团队正处于“质量效应”(Mass Effect)特许经营的初期阶段,我们很高兴向您展示下一步的发展方向! 。

  1. Wow Liara got old for asari who has thousand year lifespan, i guess it took a long time to find the body of commander Shepard

  2. God, this made me cry. Idc if the game is shit, idc if it releases in 10 years from now on, I'm just glad my favourite gaming series of all time isn't dead. Fucking thank you for this.

  3. Nah. Your credibility as a studio is pretty low with me now. I still had faith after ME3, but after Andromeda? Meh. Count yourself lucky if people even bother to waste time pirating a copy.

  4. None of this works with the Mass Effect 3 ending, regardless of which Deus Ex ending color a player chose. Is the Legacy remaster changing the ending or something?

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