Steam Controller的生命,尴尬的死亡和遗产

回顾Valve的后期游戏手柄及其对游戏的持久贡献。 每当我在Patreon上说“消除”支持时都喝酒: Discord聊天:。

  1. About that setup bit: If you can't handle setting up controls, PC gaming isn't for you. Go back to your casualized console horseshit.

  2. If anyone feels they missed something with this controller: ask a friend who has one, and grab it for 3 seconds.

    It's light, plasticky, and has a flimsy-feel, like those fake chinese controllers you can get on Amazon for 8 bucks.

  3. the steam controller was the last generation predecessor to the valve index controllers for sure. those community made controller mappings really come in clutch

  4. In the thumbnail the right touchpad has a face hidden inside it looks like a smudge but is a dude with a hat it appears on very low opacity

  5. The main problem with this controller in my opinion is that game developers already have in mind what the optimal input option is to play their game and design their controls around it, the steam controller tried to be a controller a keyboard and a mouse at the same time existing in a weird in between space where it didn't do any of these things particularly well.
    If you play steam games you definitely have a keyboard and a mouse and you can play most of their games optimally as they were designed to be played, if you want to play games that were designed for a controller just buy a regular controller and be done with it, plug it in and play the game, no weird configurations or finicky buttons and trackpads.
    It tried to do something revolutionary that doesn't really have a space to exist in right now

  6. I still have a steam link and the controller. I love being able to play Kenshi from the couch. The steam controller is the only one capable of playing it (I've tried the others). Idk underrated controller tbh.

  7. As an owner of a steam controller, I usually just left it on the shelf to sit for a month just because I thought it felt funky. But then I decided I wold just get used to it and I find it really fun to use. It's even works amazingly as a replacement mouse. I think my only complaint with it was the little buttons that are tough to switch to after using the track pad.

  8. It's a nice reminder how one of the most influential control methods of all-time came from COD4's success wherein the entire game industry focused more heavily on (mostly bad) FPS games and just copied the COD scheme outright. Which to be fair was, and still is, perfect for First-Person Shooters.

  9. Watching this while still can't configure TWO controllers for two player games in STEAM.
    Since 2017, all TWO PLAYER games, I get them on XBOX.
    Done with sh!tty Config files.

  10. Just don't play aim heavy games, I don't thing that this was made to play csgo or games that need that attention to aiming. You even showed gameplay of half life, yes it's a good but accuracy isn't the main focus of the game. You can make the point that controllers aren't good for accuracy for any controller for any console. I think the main reason as to why the controller failed is that it's just uncomfortable and will force you to retune your muscles memory to fit this new type of controller. Furthermore, steam is used for PC gaming. I don't know about you but I don't have my computer hooked up to a 30+ inch TV in my living room, it's hooked up to my PC monitor and I'm not gonna lug my PC over to my living room just so I can play on a couch. If anything the market just wasn't there.

  11. Bought the steam controller + steam link years ago and enjoyed it far less than I though I would, this video gave my steam controller new life (I watched months before making this comment) and brought my attention to gyro aim and mode shifting. Here's to hoping the new xbox controller will have a gyroscope added soon. Really love the Nerrel commentary videos!

  12. Tbh I think I mostly prefer the standard dualshock-type controllers because that's what I grew up with (& my computer quickly became the school/work machine I mostly know it as today) and because I don't need to mess with the configuration (on consoles, at least).

  13. I prefer PC over console because of the power and versatility of my PC. Because of upgrade flexibility and performance. People were stupid not to support the PC controller. For the price of a controller you basically get a permanent console with unlimited performance (PC build) – forever. I am no FPS sniper hero. I prefer casual gaming on a controller. That should not force me to constantly buy the latest and greatest console forevermore. My PC will probably always be more powerful than whatever PS and Xbox offer. Better if companies like Valve just kept improving their controllers and consumers could upgrade THAT and their PCs rather than having to constantly replace entire consoles.

  14. It failed because is the same as analog sticks on a mobile screen, it may be great for a shooter but for anything else it sucks, that's why many people buys analog sticks for their smartphone games.

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