

  1. Diversity doesn't mean its a good series it just means your worried about pleasing certain ethnic groups. We want to see actual footage to see if you actual have a great story and such on your hands or you gonna attempt some PC bullshit.

  2. Ahh good old virtue signaling, there is nothing else that stinks like it. A note of unnuturale overexcitement and disingenuity, in the name of pushing the product to mases. I'm gonna wait for the real trailer, and not gona hang my opinion on this leftyst propaganda.
    P.S. Anyone else think that the board of directors was chosen on theire incredible vertiou of being pakistani?

  3. From this promotional material (it's not a trailer), it's shouting that diversity is far more important than anything else. Yup, another anything woke, go broke attempt. I hope the actress isn't treated the same way as woke Batwoman. It's unfair on the actors that they take the brunt of crap because the studios are so focused on SJW crap.

  4. She’s not one of those skinny, painted dolls with perfect posture and invincible hair. She’s a realistic young woman who real girls can actually follow.

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