漫威的WandaVision-Official Trailer 2(2021)伊丽莎白·奥尔森,保罗·贝塔尼

漫威影业(Marvel Studios)的WandaVision影片将于2020年底在Disney +上首映,并在美国广播公司(ABC)播出的第72届黄金时段艾美奖颁奖典礼上首次亮相。 WandaVision由伊丽莎白·奥尔森(Elizabeth Olsen)和保罗·贝塔尼(Paul Bettany)主演,标志着漫威影业(Marvel Studios)在迪士尼+上独家播出的首个系列。 该系列电影融合了经典电视和漫威电影世界,其中万达·马克西莫夫(Wanda Maximoff)和视觉(Vision)这两个超级有力的人生活在理想化的郊区生活中,开始怀疑一切都不像看起来那样。 。

  1. i am looking forward to this as well as Loki. i love when things are strange and unusual. Disney on acid is appealing. 😛

  2. Would it be a stretch to say this might have occurred when Wanda was destroying Vision's mind stone and that few seconds on screen is the premise of the series?

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