官方预告片2 | WandaVision | 迪士尼+

“我们是一对不寻常的夫妻。” Marvel Studios的#WandaVision,原创剧集,将于1月15日在#DisneyPlus上播放。 ►订阅Marvel:http://bit.ly/WeO3YJ在Twitter上关注Marvel:https://twitter.com/marvel在Facebook上喜欢Marvel:https://www.facebook.com/marvel在Twitch上观看Marvel :https://www.twitch.tv/marvel加入Marvel Insider,奖励您的Marvel迷! 赚取积分,然后兑换真棒奖励。 条款和条件适用。 要了解更多信息,请访问https://www.marvel.com/insider?Osocial=YT&CID=MarvelInsider。有关更多新闻,请继续关注:Tumblr:http://marvelentertainment.tumblr.com/ Instagram:https:// www。Tumblr。 instagram.com/marvel Pinterest:http://pinterest.com/marvelofficial Reddit:http://reddit.com/u/marvel-official。

  1. Can I just say that the Trailer Music, if NOTHING ELSE, that we've gotten from this year has been a gift with this trailer, trailer #1, Loki, The superbowl spot, and Blue Monday from Wonder woman

  2. This is spoiling the whole sgow pretty much, nearly on levels of how the trailer for Terminator 2 ruined the twist of Arnold being good in that one. Jesus heck, get a new advertising department.

  3. Looks like elegant, precise wish-fulfillment for fans mixed with strong postmodern hijinks—even commentary on the medium. Sorry, Scorsese, it seems Marvel has art. Not that your dismissal of a boatload of acting talent at Disney now also quite vital on the DC/HBO track as well—convinced you.

    Granted. Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, and Raging Bull are classics. No argument here. Even Age of Innocence. Not so much the post-Leo material. But your latest mobster retreads—just like sad Casino, that ‘too soon,’ long-winded Goodfellas mix-tape—I’m looking at you: The Irishman—have AS many / MORE rehashed genre tropes.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing Martin try his hand at a Bergman-like drama, something small, meaning-heavy. As one can see, this mild chat is no slam. Everyone has opinions. But with HBO's Watchmen last year and the boundaries the superhero genre pushes, much the way Eastwood, Leone, Boetticher, and Anthony Mann made the western feel new after Ford and Hawks – I’m surprised that a significant member of the old guard lacked the charity or open mind to admire some of this work.

  4. So I might be crazy
    But from my stxned observations of this in these last 5 minutes leads me to think that the demon from the comics who’s name escapes me somehow manifests in the MCU and traps Wanda and others inside of her mind as she lives out what her broken psyches wishes it could have had with vision?
    like she’s living out her dream, and the demon is a puppet master pulling the strings that aims to push her powers to a breaking point
    but idk, I could be reading too deep ://

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