
已经二十多年了。 但是现在,旋转式扫雪机恢复了原有的功能。 清除积雪和大量积雪。 为了庆祝Cumbres和Toltec铁路成立50周年,将近100年历史的转盘在今年早些时候重获新生。 除了秋天的失速,一切都进行得很好。 一路上没有遇到机械问题。 在这一天,火车从新墨西哥州查马出发,到达了科罗拉多州际公路。 明天火车将行驶到Cumbres Pass的顶部(在我的视频的第2部分)。 拍摄于2020年2月29日。

  1. Know what I just noticed, after watching several times over the years, 36:10 once it makes it up hill u pan out to a far shot as it turns the bend, lmao there's a dude in-between the buckles taking a leak trying act all kosher hahaha

  2. Mind blowing beauty! What a video man, I have watched it at least 3 times since you first posted it. Quick question, at 6:23 they are adding something to the water, do you know what it is? Thanks again for this gem!!!?

  3. It chucks the same amount back in front of itself… Do you know why US locos have to make so much noise? Because their citizens allowed Donald Trump to be voted in! Can’t trust them not to have a picnic on the lines!

  4. seems a plow would be like a 1000x faster and do a better job not to mention fuel efficent. This rotary is struggling with a foot of snow a 5 ft snow would be a joke

  5. it would be nice to have a little bit more explaination to the whole story. will make it for sure more interesting. at 6.24 minutes are they putting Salt or anti lime chemicals into the -dome-? and all the lokos have a little -hut – in their water (?) bunker. what was that used for? any special purpose for that? was that -back than – also operated like that? the rotary. 2 locos. the water cisterne. the cooks car. one car for spares one would assume? was there also a – relieve crew – riding in the cookscar? after all these guys were out all day long and need to be relieved?

  6. تم الاشتراك فى قناة الاخت المحبوبة للة والتعليق و1000 لايك من ذهب والمشاهدة

    من جدى الشيخ على محمود على ابو محمد الجواهرجى الشهير ب على سبس كبير عائئلات المهادوة وبركات والبطراوى والحافى سيال العرب و عمدة ا الجناين بحاجر اسوان شكرا الاخت فى اللة لاسلوبك المسلسل الراقى لجميع الاعمار تم الاشتراك فى قناة حضرتك الرائعة لك حبى وتقديرى

  7. Cool, at 45.03 when all 3 engines sounded off like a roll call! It's a wonder how I don't see any Nancy's in the comments complaining about the smoke and dreaded carbon footprint.

  8. Steel and Iron for rotaries must have special features as not to get cracks in the cold environment. Apparently that, to day rare know how was so good, that this engine got that old, all my respect for these iron-men and -women workers and their Ingenieurs, in genius vraiment, chapeau!

  9. While diesel may be more efficient, it does not replace the beautiful sounds that steam locomotives make, and the beauty of these machines as well. I so love seeing these big, old, beautiful beasts on the rails! And a steam rotary snow blower is glorious as well! And daaaaamn that amazing wale of steam whistles makes me goose bump!

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