
在此处阅读更多信息:https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2020/12/incredible-records-that-were-youtube-hits-in-2020-643387►观看GWR的收藏夹|| http://bit.ly/GWR-Favs▶订购吉尼斯世界纪录2021 || https://bit.ly/GWR-2021 2020年是没人料到的一年。 我们希望您保持安全。 我们很高兴将您的注意力分散在25分钟内,因为我们向您展示了人类凭着他们的想象力和才华所能取得的最大成就。 2021年见! ————————————————– ——————————————–在吉尼斯世界纪录中,我们想要以表明世界上每个人都是最擅长的事情,我们在这里进行评估! 无论您是拥有最坚韧的皮肤,还是认识世界上最小的狗,还是想创建我们想听到的最大的人类多米诺骨牌链。 我们想在吉尼斯世界纪录YouTube频道上展示不可思议的才能。 如果您要查找包含地球上最高,最短,最快,最长,最古老和最不可思议的事物的视频,那么您来对地方了。 ————————————————– ——————————————–网站|| http://bit.ly/GWR-网站Facebook || http://bit.ly/GWR-FB Twitter || http://bit.ly/GWR-TW Instagram || http://bit.ly/GWR-Insta Snapchat || http://bit.ly/GWR-SC TikTok || http://bit.ly/GWR-TT许可:[email protected] #GWR #GuinnessWorldRecords #WorldRecords。

  1. At this point they're just giving records for the sake of giving them. I probably hold the record for fastest time unloading dishes while watching The Office season 3 episode 3 and wearing a Christmas hat. Should I submit that as a record?

  2. What really bothers me is that some of the weirder people types like smallest no offense attempted clearly.. are in Africa or the alike. It seriously bothers me.

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