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  1. I am having problem with this since 8 months ago, I tried every possible solution and it won't fix at all, please help if you know any fix :((

  2. Boards closed. How sad. Boards were run over by 13 years olds and managed by 20 years and younger which all they do is act like AI and skip answering the questions. This is not League 2012 anymore. Game is not fun and due to free to play state, it gets effected bad by low IQ people infesting it. Riot was so done with this BS, they put a real AI system built in game and customer support to deal with 13 years olds silly problems. Imagine someone input a report saying "9x report permaban pls rito" and it simply gets ignored by an AI because AI can't read a mind of a low IQ people that is incapble of writing an actual reason. AI simply discards the report. It just hilarious.

  3. This is wierd and overal scary asf i downvoted this post becaus i liked the boards
    When i came back i noticed it was uovoted so i downvoted again reload the page to suspecting thing and boom its again upvoted wel i just delete the thumbs up and after watching another vid and comming back again boom again its upvoted

    Pls take youre corparated bs back to china and take blizzard with you

  4. One time i watched a friend of mines game. After 10 min i wanted to quit it and it wont let me. After i closed the whole game and wanted to relog, it stucked and says that i am still watching a game. This goes for 3 days, coudlnt play. ?

  5. lets be honest man this client tilted me so hard bcz i cant locked in my champion after then i see im disconected from champion select and i lose my promo twice i just stop play and now i just want to play fucking normal game then i see again i have 80% cpu on new riot client absolutely garbag client

  6. QOTD: On a custom 1v1 i could not pick any champs since there were none on my screen. This happened for about two weeks. Also, my client gets corrupted whenever the game is updated.

    Every. Time.

  7. Riots Boards about discussions is mainly negative reviews about the game and all the bugs. Riot is just sweeping their problems under a rug, good job.

  8. After a game I go to honour someone but then I unlock something or complete a mission. Then my client forces me to honour someone again. Then my client becomes unresponsive, even the close button doesn't work. Then I have to sign out then sign back in again to be able to click anything.

  9. Riot is retarded and their game will start dying out because of their stupidity.
    I've a reconnect bug and I pretty much can't join a game. Boards would have solutions, but Riot are retarded as I can't access the boards now.

  10. I have this problem. With rio acc pls help me.Why every sunday logout my account from my main pc from automatically load. One fact bcs i have open acc. On other pc 2 or my pc is low 2core.or conection low or bcs i open my account in Germany and i confirm email from Germany with new rior acc. Can tell any one if know. I write this in League of legends site.

  11. One time my client had al the tabs wrong, one to the left of what it actually work for. Example: my store was in the hex tech crafting, my hextech in the collection, etc. And the Play was my store

  12. the game is sliding all the time since last patch and riot games is still addressing the issue. By deleting the board, now we can no longer report any issues we have with the game.

  13. I think I had that whole "the count down went to 0 and we all just sat there" happen to me too. Think I also did the same thing as you, but I F4'd the client to crash it. And I agree with the forums, there are posts there that are still helpful. Especially with certain un-listed keybinds, like when I accidentally hit something that removed a part of the U.I. and I had no idea what I'd hit .. found the answer on the old forums.

  14. 1.When i want to queue for a game, it says " "my username" ist not ready" it takes ~30 seconds until i can start(happens ~1/2 games),
    2.The queue accept or decline screen opens for 0,1 sec and then says "oh you were to slow" aka " my username declined the ready check"(2/3games), sometimes i get 5 mins wait penalty
    3. I get to click accept, but wont join champ select, after 2-3 minutes i get " you left champs select" and lose -3 lp (2/3 games, where i get past the first steps)–sometimes i lose -10 lp and get wait timer cuz of repeated leaving.
    4. Im incChamp select timer goes to 0 sec and im not able to join the game, after ~5 mins i get penalty for leaving the game (1/4 games)

    I have this problems for ~3 weeks by now I won 8 games in a row got +14 lp, cuz of penalty lp loss xD

    The worst is that i have to wait 30 mins cuz i left the to often in my last games, so dumb.

    I freaking reinstalled Lol, repatched, used the Hextech repair tool. Even updated all my devices. I hope Riot can fix it when i send them my Log files….
    Im really dissapointed in Riot….

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