广告拦截器和免受网络威胁的防护:满足Cyber​​Sec | NordVPN

Cyber​​Sec是广告拦截器吗? #NordVPN Cyber​​Sec不仅是广告拦截器。 Cyber​​Sec不仅可以帮助您避免出现浮华的广告,还可以保护您免受网络威胁。 ***立即尝试–在https://content.nordvpn.com/3i0uE98上获取NordVPN应用程序*** Cyber​​Sec不仅可以帮助您避免显示广告,从而使网站加载速度更快并节省了一些宝贵的移动数据。 NordVPN Cyber​​Sec还可以保护您免受网络钓鱼诈骗的侵害,并防止您进入恶意网站。 怎么样? 它将您要访问的每个网站的地址与庞大的黑名单数据库进行比较。 如果您尝试进入一个以托管恶意软件,间谍软件或其他恶意软件而闻名的网站,则Cyber​​Sec会立即做出反应并阻止您的访问。 如果您正在寻找iPhone或Mac的广告拦截器,Android,Windows的广告拦截器或Chrome和Mozilla Firefox浏览器的广告拦截器,请尝试使用NordVPN Cyber​​Sec以获得额外的安全性。 访问https://content.nordvpn.com/3i0uE98并为您的设备下载NordVPN应用。 打开开关即可打开Cyber​​Sec! ****立即获取NordVPN,享受安全且无广告的浏览:https://content.nordvpn.com/3i0uE98。

  1. Does CyberSec block youtube video ads? I've been seeing hundreds of these 15 second unskippable ads a day on youtube and it's become a problem.

  2. cybersec ad block not working on android but my idea listen look
    nord vpn is best i found ad blocker dns i write look step1:open nord vpn step2:go settings step3:click custom dns step4:choose custom dns step5:write or and save finish last step6:connect vpn and ad blocker working i tested

  3. I use Brave browser that automatically blocks ads, for those who can't afford a VPN I'd suggest switching to this from Chrome or Mozilla, some get through though

  4. For me when I turn CyberSec feature some pages fail to load :/ If this happens to somebody else, I tried those paes with other AdBlockers to the same results, so IMHO this has smth to do with blocked popups, if you really need to go there you will have to allow ads

  5. I think it's great that it both disables Ads and protects against malware/phishing, sometimes an Ad can be a malicious code trying to infect you disguised as a shampoo advertisement

  6. I've been using NordVPN for a while and I see it's improving a lot and adding more features from time to time – I hope they'll introduce some antivirus applications on PC and include it in the pricing plan.

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