
想要来自高级玩家的即时,易于访问的24-7教练吗? 然后访问我们的网站:https://www.proguides.com/yt我们的分析师涵盖了10个最快,最容易获得冠军的排名。 在以下网址查看更多类似的视频:https://www.proguides.com/yt并且不要忘记订阅我们的频道:https://bit.ly/2RjWmRx概念:英雄联盟格斗游戏,防暴游戏格斗游戏,英雄联盟FPS游戏,英雄联盟射击游戏,防暴游戏射击游戏,防暴游戏FPS游戏,RIot游戏贸易纸牌游戏,英雄联盟贸易纸牌游戏,Runeterra的传说,防暴游戏动漫,英雄联盟动漫,联赛传奇移动,大声笑移动,团队战斗策略移动,英雄联盟电竞经理,英雄联盟MMORPG,暴动游戏MMORPG,Fiddlesticks重做,Volibear重做,Senna,新冠军Senna,概念:团队战斗策略,新的英雄联盟补丁,赛季9.第10季,最佳冠军第10季,S等级冠军,最佳adc 9.24,最佳支撑9.24,最佳中路9.24,最佳丛林球员9.24,最佳前线9.24,补丁9.24失败,9.24哈哈,9.24变更,新英雄联盟,操作中路9.24,操作上路9.24,操作丛林9.24,操作ADCS 9.24,操作支持9.24,第10季更改,Alune大声笑,Aphelios大声笑,新冠军aphelios,新冠军alune,征服者nerfs 9.24,Rift Herald增益9.24,Omnistone增益9.24,Senna nerfs 9.24,Ryze nerfs 9.24,Kassadin nerfs 9.24,Akali nerfs Garen nerfs 9.24,Yuumi buffs 9.24,Braum buffs 9.24,Karma buffs 9.24,Rammus buffs 9.24,amumu buffs 9.24,sivir buffs 9.24,azir buffs 9.24,corki buffs 9.24,概念:团队战斗战术,新的英雄联盟补丁,第9季。第10季,最佳冠军第10季,S等级冠军,最佳adc 9.24b,最佳支撑9.24b,最佳中路9.24b,最佳丛林选手9.24b,最佳前线9.24b,补丁9.24b失误,9.24b哈哈,9.24b变化,新的英雄联盟,中路9.24b,顶级车手9.24b,丛林密林9.24b,op adcs 9.24b,op支持9.24b,第10季变更,Alune哈哈,Aphelios哈哈,新冠军阿菲里奥斯,新冠军alune,在以下位置了解Fortnite:https://bit.ly/2Rk8fqC什么是ProGuides? ProGuides是您在任何游戏中都能变得更好的唯一网站。 我们与每一个主要的Pro一起制作了世界上最好的指南,以使您更快地变得更好。 在以下位置关注ProGuides:http://www.instagram.com/proguidescom http://www.facebook.com/proguidescom http://www.twitter.com/proguidescom阅读LoL层列表:https://www.proguides .com / leagueofleg … LoL Meta:https://www.proguides.com/leagueofleg …关注我们的作家和分析师:Anthony“ 5mi” Hong https://twitter.com/its5mi?s=09六月从ProGuides ProGuides合作伙伴:游戏古玩,PhyLoL,RedMercy,PantsAreDragon,Foxdrop,Gosu,Team Liquid,Crumbz,Alex Ich,Stanley,Toyz,BarbaKahn,Dama G,ReubenMaster,Morrocrux,ValloPerroLoco,StatikGamer,TheCatacroquer,Cals,Box Huzzygames,dodgedlol,Nicolai #tierlist #proguides #league#Season9。

  1. 8:08 yo I actually take Ashe as a support cuz of her eternal slows, stun, damage and her Hawkshot for scouting out the JG…. PRO TIP: Shoot E across the whole map to get a bit of vision across the whole map. Depending on position, it can reveal the enemy jg OR reveal that he isn't on that specific side.

  2. In lower elos illaoi is very easy to abuse even though she has 3 skillshots that make her a bit challenging to play she is relatively easy to play after 20-30 games, garen and Teemo aren't on the list too? Nice list

  3. Kassadin is not a easy champ since he is so weak early game. Going through the early game is so hard and he is so weak early game. He is strong level 16 (which is late game) and most games u wont become level 16. But if he is level 16 the other team is dead. Farming to level 16 is so boring. So kassadin is not easy.

  4. Qotd: No, what we could have is the difficulty be related to outplay and possibilities. Example: yasuo
    But not in a frustrating way, so… Yasuo is not ideal.

  5. I'm surprised to not see both kled and urgot. As for ww yeah he is easy to pick up but don't be deceived, you can do some sick plays wen you perfect him.

  6. If you have to explain that Ornn isn't really that easy, you should have just left him off the list… If you can admit that he's hard compared to easy champions, then you should just admit that he's not really an easy champion! At least not easy enough to be on this list. Should have gone with Garen.

  7. So should more difficult champions be stronger? NO. No one cares that you poured hours and hours into a more difficult champion and we won't reward you for doing so. For every Aphelios there should be a Sett. Difficulty does not matter in a game like league. It is like saying that more expensive champions should be stronger than cheaper champions because they are harder to get.

  8. Why is kassadin in but Kayle isn't. I mean just don't feed, farm and get lvls. Then go and auto attack them. What is that I hear "I am always alone and can't keep up" fucking use ult

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