
更多信息,请访问:www.precrime-film.com欢迎使用真实的“少数群体报告”。 犯罪前对我们所有人来说都是一个警钟。 引人入胜和令人恐惧的科幻小说场景已经出现在我们的日常生活中。 预测未来的犯罪现场并防止谋杀似乎就像一部科幻电影一样。 是的,但它也是真实的,并且现在正在发生。 为了实现这一点,功能强大的计算机和无所不在的摄像机会捕获所有来源的数据,然后借助算法对其进行评估和分析。 同时,我们这些市民被转变为记录数据的载体–跟踪和映射我们的一举一动,信息和购买。 我们对犯罪的可能性等级进行了评分。 电脑吐出了明天的罪犯名单。 但是,如果您最终进入该列表怎么办? 如果数据错误怎么办? 还是有偏见? 我们怎么能对未做的事情感到内?? 犯罪前预防组织前往芝加哥,伦敦,巴黎,柏林,慕尼黑和其他地方,展示实际的预测性警务技术,调查其机会和危险,并结识使用它们的人以及遭受其伤害的人。 谁受算法保护,谁受不受保护? 这部电影展示了这项技术的创造者,他们的工作方式以及真正从中受益的人。 我们是第一代将对我们自己的自由的控制权移交给计算机的人。 但是,我们准备放弃多少自由以实现全面安全的承诺? 。

  1. 2120

    Mind uploading enters mainstream society

    Adequate hardware to support human-level intelligence was available as far back as the 2020s, thanks to the exponential progress of Moore's Law.* This made it possible to form simulations of neural processes.*

    However, the underlying software foundation required for mind uploading proved to be a vastly greater challenge. Full transfer of human consciousness into artificial substrates posed enormous technical difficulties, in addition to raising ethical and philosophical issues.

    The sheer complexity of the brain, and its inherent fragility – along with the many legislative barriers that stood in the way – meant that it was nearly a century before such technology reached the mainstream.

    Some breakthroughs occurred in the latter decades of the 21st century, with partial transfer of memories and thought patterns, allowing some limited experience of the mind uploading process. However, it was only through the emergence of picotechnology and strong AI that sufficiently detailed scanning methods became available. This new generation of machines, being orders of magnitude faster and more robust, finally bridged the gap between organic human brains and their synthetic equivalents.

    Initially tested on monkeys, the procedure was eventually offered to certain marginalised people including death row inmates and terminally ill patients. Once it could be demonstrated as being safe and reversible, the project garnered a steady stream of free and healthy volunteers, tempted by this new form of computerised immortality.

    Years of red tape and legislation followed, including some of the strictest regulations ever enacted into law. Religious and conservative groups voiced their objections to what they saw as a fundamental violation of God's will. At times, this threatened to postpone the technology indefinitely. Eventually though, like so many other breakthroughs in science, the zeitgeist moved on. The level of demand for mind uploading proved to be enormous, and the treatment was made commercially available in the 2120s.

    Today, citizens have access to special clinics in which their biological brains can be literally discarded in favour of artificial ones. Rather than simply "duplicating" a mind, the machine physically shifts the consciousness, like a sponge soaking up water. The brain is gradually replaced – piece by piece – so the original personality remains intact during the transition. This vital aspect of the procedure assuages the fear which many have of losing their identity.

    For the wealthiest individuals, entire new bodies can be grown, into which the synthetic brains can be transplanted. These bodies may themselves be artificial, with options for partially cyborg or fully robotic replacements. Externally, they are often indistinguishable from real human bodies, but include many hi-tech add-ons and internal features boosting physical and mental abilities.

    Not everyone is opting for these types of treatments, however. A significant percentage view them with extreme suspicion, as though somehow immoral and dehumanising. With each passing year, society is becoming increasingly fractured, with an ever-widening divide between those who seek to enhance themselves, and those who prefer to eschew such technology.

  2. CANADA BEGINS USING A 'PRE-CRIME' TRACKING SYSTEM: Canada’s Risk-driven Tracking Database allows for the ‘hospitalization or arrest’ of ‘some individuals’ when the AI determines that to be needed. All before any crime has been committed. Yes, you read that correctly. People will be detained before a crime has been committed. First China…now Canada…who will be next? https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/canada-recording-negative-behaviour-citizens-risk-driven-tracking-database-pre-crime-mark-of-the-beast-end-times/

  3. It's just f***ing SCARY…The fact that some of those programs are using big data, means working with filtered data inducted from social networks makes it even more bizarre ….

  4. Total security my ass, science, math and humans .. none of them can calculate anything 100%, the only thing this does it cause more paranoia and fear in people, which then leads to panic and aggression and so it escalates, whoever came up with this idea is a fucking idiot.

  5. Not trying to suggest that modern surveillance tactics are anywhere close to appropriate, but for accuracy's sake, it's worth pointing out that Chicago has not actually made any "pre-emptive arrests". That would be blatantly unconstitutional in a way that even the Chicago PD (who are not known for their constitutionality) couldn't get away with. The "heat list", as it's known, is used primarily to direct social services and community support; of course, it also provides for pre-emptive surveillance in a way that is probably not worth condoning. Point is, be good concerned citizens, but don't watch this garbage documentary.

  6. You are being watched.

    The government has a secret system, a machine, that spies on you every hour of every day.

    I designed the machine to prevent acts of terror, but it sees everything; violent crimes involving ordinary people. The government considers these people irrelevant. We don't.

    Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. Victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you.

  7. But I thought if you don't have anything to hide, you've got nothing to fear! Isn't that what they told us? 😉

    God, it's so predictable what they are aiming to do, yet the people still trust them!
    We, the people are a herd of sheep bleating in unison!

    Fortunately in my country there's still a sense of awareness when it comes to surveillance issues, but even here the effects can be seen.
    People totally oblivious of what is going to be our future, people willingly playing by the new rules our leaders have put in place so they can spy on us and control our lives! People still happily and actively working towards a society where everything is out in the public, and everything is under surveillance! Kids nowadays grow up with a camera lens in their faces, so being filmed (monitored) its totally normal to them, they will never ever start protesting our new world, because they don't know anything else. They will not understand, why the elders find it problematic (to say the least) that total surveillance has become normal in our society!
    As soon as our kids become adults and rise to power, there will be no one left to protest against surveillance. Because we deliberately raised our children to be even more so sheep in a herd, not complaining about their lives.
    We will have deliberately helped our leaders with their devilish plans to control our lives and thus take away our freedom!
    If we don't react now, by raising our kids to appreciate todays freedom, by teaching them, that it's NOT normal to be followed by a camera all the time and to post your entire life on instagram, the adults of tomorrow will have no problems at all with being thrown into a cage of surveillance and mind control. They will see it as the normal way, they way things have to be.
    And our leaders will be celebrating!

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